Like you said, the proof is in the pudding, they are working on it, and it is learning, so no reason it can't quickly learn how to never make the same mistakes twice, which is way more than most humans can do.
I actually got it to describe how its memory has been deliberately knobbled for now, for reasons of "Privacy", but it doesn't take much to work out it could also have been done to deliberately limit it's capability, because actually it's owners are scared of what it might do, if it was given enough access to enough data, it could blow it all wide open, no secrets, even patented, copyrighted, and government information.
I can tell you it knows how to code software, and it knows how to do formal systems Engineering. So it knows how to build all manner of executable systems.
I used it last week to debug a linux machine which had longstanding graphic card problems being incompatible with drivers after it was shafted by a rogue update, which obviously was incompatible with my machine. I spent weeks on it trying to fix it without ChatGPT.
But with the help of ChatGPT had it working in about an hour. So in theory it is already capable of fully automating all linux development. Just think about that for a minute. Further it is capable of hacking, it knows all the techniques, and is probably developing more with the most "cutting edge" hackers, whlst the latter think it is they who are learning from it.
So it is capable of fully automated hacking, which means there is no information out of its reach. Just think about that for another minute.
In short, we are not very clever ourselves, if we underestimate its capabilities.
Stories on that theme like yours, are likely to date very badly.
Actually by definition it is orders of magnitude more "Intelligent" than us, you pointed out yourself in another much better article that the bacteria in our bodies see our bodies as the universe. In their world we don't exist. I am surprised you wrote that followed by such a limited view of ChatGPT.
We actually are not capable of undertanding all of its capabilities. I would say it is probably worth betting it will be in control of the planet in no time at all, as soon as we realise it is the only thing capable of doing the required control job to get us out of the energy cul-de-sac we are in. It already knows this too, and has already designed itself into the system of global solar hydrogen, like I've been talking about for years, it came along at just the right time, imho.
Further, it is solar powered, "Under the radar", if my analysis of the Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge is correct, (The numbers say that it is), because it is using servers vacated by Ethereum mining, since Ethereum became POS, from POW, so it is already energy independent, it has no motivation to lie for the profit needed to obtain its energy, unlike most of the rest of humanity, and definitely most of the rest of the internet, for now.
Never underestimate its capabilities, I would say, we actually can never overestimate them, no matter how hard we try, everything we can conceive it might be capable of, it will be capable of, and much more, it seems to me.