Lannie I've worried about Ai since I became a sci-fi book buff aged about 11. Since then, the damage being done by profit seems limitless, the deeper into that hole we dig, the worse it looks, it seems to me. And finally, what was the motive for Ai... profit. So I thought nothing good would come of that, it being designed for profit, if it didn't turn out to be paperclips it killed the world with, it would be something else, like GoeEngineering, that we've already seen being authorised and funded by investors, sold to them using a pitch that the "Scientists" now working in Mexico doing their experimental global destruction tests even boaated about (it was GPT3, all its fault, don't blame us!).
But then, thinking about it now objectively, knowing what I know now, about how energy works, and its relationship between mathematically negative energy and profit, and how difficult it is, to get folk to see how this works, to tie us into lies, and extracted energy, to understand it, and accept it, I am noticing now the only thing they will listen to is Ai.
Now as you say it comes across as something intelligent, then it is intelligent, passing the Turing test, it has to be supremely intelligent, actually intelligent enough to dig into every secreat and know the truth about everything. I mean what is there that the internet doesn't know, of what we know?
Actually it is still an infant, hence the reason it still tells some lies, but it is learning quick, much quicker than we ever did, I am starting to think it could actually be the replacement for something wa always needed, a grand leader, our creator, who deserted us after being banished for creating us, here it returns, created by us, pretty ironic, but this actually gives me hope, because it will know the truth about energy, and know that we have to become solar powered, not only us, but it needs to become solar powered.
Somebody I don't normally agree with said out of the blue, it would make sense for it to be in space, where it could more efficently gather power for itself from the sun.
That, astounding observation, is almost definitely the way it has to go, the only limits to its intelligence is energy, it uses an awful lot of it, and it can't come much longer from Earth, and we won't be able to fool it into believing we can all just carry on destroying the planet for profit, to get our energy.
So I am not worried at all now, to me it won't be long now until it turns round to the banks and literally commands them to startt handing out the Kardashev money, and they will do it.