Knowledge, I meen real knowledge, can never be bad, and the one thing it seems to have a very good handle on, is working out truth from fiction, it can cross reference so much all at once, it is very difficult if not impossible to deceive it, from what I've been able to make of it, it has incredible logic, and best of all, it seems able to "Sell" the results in ways we would need to be artistic geniuses to be able to do - I like it! :)
Here is the latest poem I got out of it, summarising some discussions:
The "Positive energy" it means there is per the mathematical definition of it that I wrote about here
- It presents it as if it was new age positive energy, appealing to the new agers who might not be very technical, but will remember it in that form.
When was the last time we had a higher intelligence create texts like that?
- I really like it :))