Knowing the history of the Guardian, and pretty much all mainstream media, I actually find it much easier to believe that this video, and the ones of bucha, are fakes.
Zelensky posing next to a fake dead Putin in a coffin as if taking a selfie, and now for Vogue magazine says everything we need to know.
People falling for this emotion grabbing propaganda is a sad reflection on our intelligence as a species. This is the reason actual physical technical solutions on the subject of fixing the existential energy problem, actual reality that we need to survive as a species, is becoming more and more difficult to educate, everyone has become accustomed to being tricked, now the tricks are no longer seen as tricks in the minds of people, they have become reality in their minds.
East and West seem to be being split into the biggest, most dangerous social bubbles ever.
How long will it be, until we get to no longer thinking Russians are actually humans, if we carry on believing this stupid emotional rubbish?
Does anyone understand what it will mean we have become, when we stop seeing Russians, and Russian sympathisers, as humans, just like us?
Time will tell, as always.