Kitty thanks for your response.
I will illustrate the difference by speaking as if right now, we were using VRENAR;
You and I design the system by our conversation.
You might be using a pseudonym, but that does not matter, as long as you can authenticate yourself to your phone, you can still be paid through it for your valuable input.
The crypto mechanism in your phone mints tokens representing your input to our conversation independently of any bank, government, or other central authority.
You are your own bank and government.
You decide what things you do are good and bad. You use this to evaluate what others do.
If others agree with you, your generated tokens will increase in value, thus the system will reward you more for them.
If others disagree with you, your tokens will decrease in value, thus the system will reward you less for them.
If you need the money, or if you just find it amusing, you could decide to continue.
Or you could decide to move on.
What would be your choice Kitty?