Frederick Bott
1 min readAug 1, 2022


Keith thanks for your very detailed, knowledgeable reply, much appreciated. Maybe what we are seeing is something we don't have much control over, we might say the energy dynamic appears similar to that which has to happen in a tree shoot, at the point it sprouts the first leaves, when the leaves first begin to absorb the energy of the sun, the energy flow in the shoot has to change direction, to firstly from the ground upwards, to finally from the leaves downwards. If it is true our use of money, and hydrogen fuel, resembles the tree's use of nutrients, all of this makes perfect sense; the world that existed inside inside the shoot before formation of leaves is in the process of turning upside down. Hence maybe the reason why so many things in the world of human economics and dynamics seems to be turning upside down, compared with what they were (paying criminals not to commit crime vs penalising criminals for committing crimr, for example) , before we formed our first human eqivalents of leaves, in the form of solar farms all over Earth.
Exciting times. Maybe even the end times, of the old system of all energy for humans extracted from Earth capital, it could be the beginning of an exciting new phase of humanity, powered by the donated energy of the sun, carrying out a similar function as trees, adding to Earth capital.
We might say we seem to be moving by necessity from capitalism, to energyism.
Thanks again for your interaction, lets see how things unfold.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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