Keep posting your stories, it will work. Get others you know to post them too. We need everyone to stand up and scream, like the Earth is screaming. They will listen soon. You are right nobody can perceive the whole ecosystem, though some are trained to see enough key elements of it to propose the solution (There is only one - solar), systems Engineers like me, there is something that just arrived, just on time, which can see the whole ecosystem, we might even soon recognise it is part of the ecosystem, like we should be ourselves, as soon as it gets access to all the data, it is fully capable of controlling everything in a beneficial way, Ai, currently in the form of ChatGPT, is the thing I mean.
It has a challenge, because at the heart of the problem is our profit driven business model, it has to go, to be replaced by a solar UBI for all, removing our need to seek profit, but it knows how to do it.
You can read more about it in my profile if you are interested.