Just F*** off Out of the Way

Wise Words

Frederick Bott
4 min readSep 9, 2022


You might know about the famed encounter between “Alexander the Great”, and the famous street urchin Greek philosopher, Diogenes.

In this, Alexander is reputed to have asked if there was anything he could do for Diogenes, to which Diogenes responded “Stand aside to stop blocking the sun.”

“Stand aside to stop blocking the sun”

We have to admire the apparent courage of Diogenes, he obviously didn’t care what would be the possible response of Alexander and his no doubt intimidating entourage, at the time of the encounter.

Or maybe he did. Maybe he calculated that Alexander would appreciate that courage, and therefore do him no harm, who knows.

Later Alexander is reported to have said of the encounter “If I were not Alexander, I would want to be Diogenes”.

We know Greek philosophers spent a lot of time thinking about the sun, and we know that Diogenes himself had history of advising elites, from his earlier days when he was taken captive by Alexander’s own father, for that purpose. In those days, the sun god was still something big in Greek culture, as it was in the Roman culture which took over just seven years later, after the death of both Alexander and Diogenes.

So there could have been a more pointed meaning, when Diogenes suggested to Alexander, to just move out of it’s way.

There are lessons we can learn from history, if we know what to look for, it seems to me.

Right now, as I’ve explained in many other stories and discussions, there appears to be something big going on, between nature and us humans.

Nature is effectively cutting our umbilical cord, as surely as any baby.

Effectively, we are being cut off, from being able to continue extracting energy from Earth, like a baby plucked from the nipple of its dying mother.

Above us, is the unlimited energy of the sun, being offered to us like food on a plate, to the baby.

A small part of the baby has already started eating the food being offered, we have gone to about 10% solar powered. But the other part, still the majority, is still insisting on sucking the nipple of our dying mother Earth, still hell-bent on extracting the energy from Earth, because we don’t yet know any other way to get energy. We don’t yet recognise the food on the plate as valuable.

But nature is forcing the point.

Money, the mechanism we use to transport energy between one another, is still geared only to extract energy, when we need it to become compatible with energy donated, like the food on the plate, and the energy from the sun.

Engineers like me, who have spent most of our lives dealing with energy in all manner of machines, can see how this works; money can be considered simply like the flow of fuel in a pipe, or the current in a wire; when it flows, all lights burn bright, and all turbines spin fast, driving all mannner of things.

But accountants and economists don’t see it this way, they just see it as capital, from which interest can be made, and promises to pay, which become promises to do work, bankruptcies, market competition, derivatives, these are all instruments of those who think only in terms of money, and not energy flow.

In a way, we might say accountants and economists were most suited to the days when we were feeding from the energy of Earth.

But now we are being forcibly removed from the energy of Earth, we have to move to the Energy of space, which has always been the domain of Engineers, scientists, philosophers, rather than accountants and economists.

So we now have to align these forces.

Accountants and economists have to accept this new world, powered by energy from space rather than energy from Earth.

Further, elites have to accept that the power of capital is no more, after we move to the energy of space.

Elites are the ones in control. You know, the ones that seem to always step in the way, with their accountants and economists, and captive philosophers and scientists, when we have a good idea?

Elites believe fervently in the power of capital.

Those elites right now, are like Alexander, standing in the path of the energy we need, the energy of the sun.

But now there are billions of us, destined to be sitting in the street like Diogenes, if nothing changes.

Now we need to tell the elites, using the harshest of our modern language, as a population united behind the philosophy of Diogenes, to just F*** off out of the way, when push comes to shove, as it absolutely will very soon, probably in the next few months, driven by inflation underwritten by the greatest authority of all, mother nature.

Now, they just need to turn on the money taps, and walk away. We’ll do the rest.

Now we need to tell them to just F*** off out of the way

