JR I live in UK, where the truth about Assange was shown to us, as it happened, by ironically RT, which I am sure you will immediately say disqualifies it, because it was... Russian.
RT was the only channel present, when Assange was carried bodily from the Ecuadorian Embassy, by the UK police, after they got agreement from the Ecuadorian Embassy to go get him.
The police standing all around the area did their best to prevent the RT film crew from capturing the actual deed being done, of a country using it's legal forces inside the technical jurisdiction of another, in an Embassy within it's country.
Why were there no UK news agencies present?
That set a precedent, that we can argue was maybe the first time the world ever saw how the authority of an Embassy hosting country can use political power, to grab political dissidents from within Embassies, which were supposed to be to protect them, showing there is no place of refuge, the Embassy might as well not exist, it effectively stopped existing the minute Ecuador agreed to allow the UK police in.
I bet you'll say RT was on Assange's payroll now. It has to be, it's Russian, it can't be just plain old telling the truth, can it? Russians aren't capable of truth, right?
How about Roger Waters, who also appears in various places supporting Assange. Is he also on Assange's publicity Payroll? Oh I forgot, we are busy cancelling Roger, you can read about that here in Medium.
The web of lies around Assange is massive, but in UK we have given up lying.
Now Assange is held indefinitely with not a murmur by any news services whatsoever, since RT was banned in UK.
If Assange has any publicity team at all, they would be the poorest in the world.
Go ahead and identify a piece of publicity, you know, an article or a news story about Assange that you might be able to reasonably argue was generated by some publicity team working for Assange.
The only folk working for him are those that feel some sympathy for a person truly wronged, for doing what was morally the right thing.
What we are seeing being done to him is victimisation on a grand scale, the US actually showing it's worst side, terrorism, conducted against an individual, a journalist, who dared to expose some of the worst atrocities done by what is the most aggressive hostile force in the world, the real threat to security of any country, including obviously Russia, and actually China. We are not blinded like you, who like it or not, knowingly or unknowingly do work for your countries evil propaganda machine, just by believing it, and arguing it's case, the one you've been indoctrinated with, as surely as any German or Ukrainian Nazi was ever indoctrinated against Jews, and actually Russians, before WW2.
Sorry dude but you are clearly under the spell of your country's propaganda machine.