John it isnt just in US it is all over the world, it has been for pretty much all our known history, and it is crushing more and more people, even formerly highly skilled, highly paid technical professionals running businesses, the banks and governments can see it, but don’t seem to know what to do.
Truth is it isn’t actually anyone’s fault, it isn’t even political, it is structural, a Grand Energy Ponzi, resulting from a mass illusion that has existed for thousands of years, we are all equally at fault for not seeing through the illusion, it seems to me.
Things will change, they have to.
The banks could change it tomorrow if they could understand energy, not just money.
Understanding energy seems to be key to seeing the way out.
Money itself never previously accounted for live energy, hence it never comes into our thoughts.
Debt is exclusively about dead energy, energy already committed to Earth.
Whereas live energy which is ongoing, forever, for free, from the sun, has never been included in our money schemes.
But that is changing, faster than most realise.
Imagine tokens per Watt, as opposed to tokens per a fixed number of Joules, which might have been used to create any piece of capital.
Now, there are some types of money coming about which do reflect that live energy, namely proof of work tokens, and they are steadily replacing the less valuable kind via the markets, whilst pushing up the global capacity of solar energy.
If you are interested to know more, I’ve written quite a lot about the Grand Energy Ponzi and the Kardashev hinge.
Those stories are never popular, but can be found in a Medium Search, or in my profile.