Joe its been my bread and butter for about thirty years to formally analyse all kinds of systems, we don't get it wrong, when we do it formally, its like adding up two and two - we get precise answers with very high confidence.
The real power of it is that solutions are actually dictated, by analysing the problem deeply enough, the solution is dictated.
Notice this is not something academia has used much. I know this because I've been part of academia too.
You can take my word for this or not, it doesn't matter much, I am finding it normal in Medium, for folk to not seem to be able to spot actual physical truth. The system does not help. I argue it does have motivation, to suppress anything anti profit, and the solution is definitely anti profit, in fact it reveals profit to be an energy lie, this is the thing at the root of all the problems, that we do all things, and even think all things, in terms of profit, when fundamentally its an energy lie, which is even behind all slavery, and all colonialism, it all traces to profit.
To me your conversation with ChatGPT and with me looks like all belief, its something you are determined to believe, no matter what anybody says or shows to you, you seem quite determined to "Make it so", but this thing is under our control, we can actually have it either way, we can choose to die now we just formed leaves, or we can use those leaves to what all leaves do - live, and grow some more, like every plant does, so as to enable us to enrich the planet, we have to free up all the restrictions on energy / money flow, not button them down even harder by hoarding it all and impoverishing everyone.
A biblical story comes to my mind which is very relevant to everything we are seeing, it was the story of (Was it Jacob?), who got a message from "God" at least he thought it was, or claimed it was, to start storing up grain, because seven years of famine would come, and they would need that grain for the famine, so they gathered and stored as much grain as they could get their hands on, probably paying folk for it, so as to attract it away from folk who might have planted it, they stored it for seven years, and sure enough, seven years of famine did come, and Jacob and co survived just fine, probably selling the grain back again, at profit of course. But a lot of folk probably died in that famine, maybe even the majority, who would not have had the money to buy what they needed.
The question has to be asked, would the famine have happened if the grain was sown all along instead of hoarded? And what did they do with folk who went bankrupt, throwing themselves at the mercy of the grain hoarders? (They would have enslaved them)
In any case, it had to be all for profit.
What do we see happening with money right now?
Isn't money a little like grain - give it to folk, and they spend it, creating value, just like seeds sown?
We seem to be under the control of the same demon who was in control way back in the days of the grain famine fiasco. It definitely was not a god, or any creature of creation that they consulted, to get the order to start storing grain, that was a very destructive action, that must have set humanity back a long way. No real creative deity would ever have ordered something like that.