Joachim carbon taxes will just put more pressure on companies depending on profit to make more profit, and since profit itself is an energy con, where the energy in profit actually came from Earth, and we never acknowledge that, it's a kind of theft, it is only possible on energy extracted from Earth, never the energy of the sun, which was given, nothing asked in return, when we use it, it has the opposite effect on temperature than use of energy extracted from Earth. It would be monetised if money was issued for free, representing the economic product already created by it, that money is owed to people, failure to issue that money is causing inflation. This would be the opposite of taxing, more like rewarding for using the right energy. Notice everything changes when we move from mathematically negative energy to mathematically positive, everything changes correspondingly, all the cascading effects become positive.
Carbon taxes can only increase rate of extraction, therefore accelerating temp rise, not reduce it, and never reverse it.
The temperature rise is directly related to profit, unfortunately.