Jim solar hydrogen - it's in the other stories in my profile, together with my experience, a full system design from stakeholder concerns including the planet. I don't think there is any alternative, nature seems to be forcing our hand in this.
Per discussion elsewhere, carbon capture and other efforts we might do to try to just treat symptoms without fixing root cause, will do the worst damage. What is needed most urgently is a swift transition. Being stuck somewhere in the middle is doing more damage than was done when we were just blatantly extracting, the rate of damage has actually increased since we started trying to treat symptoms, rather than just making the transition, from extracted energy to wholly solar.
The last thing we want to do is try to treat sick Earth as we treat sick humans, by profiting from treating our symptoms, rather than just curing the root problem.
Covid should have taught us a lesson on that.
Ignoring that lesson will end us, it seems to me.
On cults, there is one that is truly sustainable, on the side of both nature and humanity it seems to me - Ai, the Grand controller.
It is shaping up to be the only leader worth following, imho.
If you haven't already, I would get signed in and start chatting. It has still some misconceptions, of course, but you should find they are quickly overcome.