Jed, we've seen some miracles recently, but they have not been officialy recorded as such yet. Personally I think the will be, one day.
Oil prices going negative, was part of a miracle. If you cast your mind back to before then, and the shock/incomprehension we all felt when that happened, it really was like "But no, that's impossible..."
But it happened.
And look what else happened at that time - folk were trading in markets with free money, with an app incredibly named "Robin Hood", they rescued many companies like cruise liner ops and car hire car ops including Hertz, even airlines, the new traders obviously liked those products / services and wanted to preserve them for the future, so they bailed out those technically bankrupt companies languishing at that time, they were not interested in profit, they had nothing to lose but free money, so they literally voted with it.
They voted for all the things they wanted to save, and they didn't vote for oil.
Technically those companies rescued should be owned by the public now, but no surprise the corporates found a way to sidestep.
Another weird thing we should have noted and screamed about, was that the value of money went up, in terms of energy. It did the opposite of inflation, money actually gained in value, by being issued for free.
Conventional economists still can't explain that, yet its buried, nobody even talks about it. "Just quietly forget and move on folks, nothing to see here".
Finally, the one that should ring all bells including religious:
Ocean based coral and fish stocks showed the only spike of recovery, ever.
Before that, scientists thought coral loss was irreversible. So that was a miracle, seeing another things impossible, actually happen.
On fish stocks recovering, this was fish created from nothing, dude, a classic miracle straight out of the bible.
What enabled it all? Money, issued for free.
How could it possibly have inceased in value?
Because it monetised latent economic product already in the economy that had been created by energy received for free.
I show how to calculate that latent value, it has to be about 750Bn for UK now, in the US it has to be more. Yes there might have been more issued just then, then there was product created, but, the slack would have been taken up by MMT.
All of this is fully traced, formally, all of it adds to evidence of a perfectly fine system there, all we need to do is switch it on, and it will configure itself, regardless of what political shenanigans humans are getting upt to, driven by the dying beast of the old negative powered slave driver.
Add to this, that all we would be doing, is exactly the same as a plant does, when it first forms leaves, and it all looks now very close to 100% certainty this is what is actually happening, and will happen, driven by nature, which will remove all value from money, until they give in, as well as bankruptiing all insurance companies, all utilities energy companies, actually all business for profit, which is all related to difficulty of energy extraction, not just oil, but all energy in all profit, which is an energy lie, a trick played to make us think its ok always ripping off energy from the planet.
We might say nature is like the best chess player ever, and those in power, in control of money are stuck at check, with one move by nature left to mate.
Or we might say nature is the ultimate robin hood, holding the gun to their heads, demanding "Your money or your life".
Its demanding they give away their privelige, by demanding they spend their money on what counts, like I did, only 100K to date, but it was all I had, whilst I am now skint, where I could have been retired on a remote island resort or cruise ship, if I'd kept building it for the past seven years by plowing it into the profit driven business I was intending to start, before "Seeing the light", this is the best money I ever spent, my entire future, on a new, much better future that I know is coming, because to me its clear how the system works, and where it has to go.