Jared sorry I keep commenting on your stories, I don’t mean to Troll, more work in collaboration.
You are right about most things in my opinion.
We have similar sense of injustice.
I guess like me you’ve probably made similar observations throughout life, noticing the odd thing that just “doesn’t work right”.
Over the past few years, I’ve been covering pretty much all the same subjects based on analyses using formal systems Engineering techniques, the tools of my trade, to work out a theoretical grand system that solves everything by addressing all stakeholders, rich and poor.
It is not something I plan on building, though there are many things it will enable which I was working on, that I can get back to, after it becomes implemented by nature, one way or another, because it has to, otherwise we are done as a species.
It is our only way out of the Grand Energy Ponzi we have been playing, until about now; the underlying cause of all the injustices and inhumanity we see.
As said, the reason I know this, is because I have employed formal systems engineering tools and techniques to confirm.
A solid solution exists, but it involves money moving onto something new; a solar energy standard, which absolutely disrupts everything we thought we knew about… well, everything. And a lot of folk don’t like disruption. But unfortunately for those good folks wishing stability, or continuity, disruption is necessary. It is how all living things mutate over time, to evolve to an ever changing environment, and how we humans learn so much, so fast.
You probably didn’t question the units you quoted in your otherwise excellent summary of the power considerations given in your piece.
Of course Bitcoin consumes a load of power, but I see this as a good thing, that power is being used to fuel humanity in ways we mostly don’t realise as yet.
But I noticed, being also an electrical Engineer with my teeth cut firstly in the electrical power metering industry, your use of units to describe power, wihtout surprise.
They were all in terms of power per hour, rather than just power.
Watt-hours, kilowatt-hours, terra-Watt hours, exa-Watt hours, they are all units of fixed amounts of energy, which is exclusively what we meter, and account for.
Those are the only kinds of things accounted for in the Grand Energy Ponzi economy.
They are all fixed units of capital.
As long as we stick only with those, we are locked into the Grand Energy Ponzi.
To get out of it, we have to change to units of power.
Units of power are what we need to start seeing in accounts of money.
Money has begun to change hands in response to changes in power, rather than always in response to changes in capital, though it isn’t obvious, as yet, they don’t appear in any accounts, but they will, because they have to.
My story on the Kardashev Hinge details how it is happening via Bitcoin.
Hopefully there you can see there why change is necessary, and is happening.
It is manifesting first as what we previously characterised as rampant inflation.
Money is breaking away from representing fixed capital, as it has to.
A new kind of money is becoming apparent which equates to Watts per token, or tokens per Watt, where those tokens are units of work.
In other words, the work of implementing solar power infrastructure.
Now that becoming incentivised, is the most effective way to end our fixed obsession with all things fixed in capital, and only ever incentivising that.
Of course this won’t be without pain, it is going to really hurt in some ways, but if we know what is actually happening, we should be more equipped to manage how we deal with it.