Jared I like your concept of envisioning things as the real and parasite economies. Comparing with my own analyses, I would say the parasite economy you have identified is the current economy, where money is issued only on promises to pay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OB9Xzhl5cs
That system is obviously unsustainable, the "Progress" claimed to have been made since around 1900 is actually not progress enabled by the capitalist economy at all, but made in spite of it. We had a chance to go to free power from solar back then, it was offered and started on by Nikola Tesla, a system which combined it with internet like connectivity. If that effort by Tesla had been successful, we would be living in a very different world now, no wars, no nuclear weapons, no hunger and starvation, no poverty. The thing that pits us against one another, the incentive to profit, would have been removed.
Tesla was defunded by JP Morgan, his only funder at the time btw.
So this system of all things for profit and money-as-debt, that you aptly term *The parasite economy" is the one we have to switch away from. That is the gearchain of extraction, which links ultimately to all forms of extraction, all of it is extraction of energy, where essentially we are living off of the energy of our planet, and of one another. As long as it continues, we continue towards extinction, as surely as a bunch of mice in a cage with a finite food supply.
I know you are still having some reservations about where free energy and therefore free money leads, and probably also if it is even possible. But it is the only alternative, and it is what nature always intended, we can see it by studying how a tree works in detail, this is what we need to use as guidance, we need to go right down to the fundamentals of nature, study how that works, and translate it to the human economic system we have, to understand the changes needed to transorm our system to something physically sustainable, something that actually works like an engine.
When we do that analysis, we quickly realise this engine has never even been started. Money, our mechanism transporting energy has never really flowed, and yet it absolutely has to flow, to generate value, and to be propagated to all who need it.
The desired system, meeting all stakeholder requirements (Even the greedy!), is to have money transporting energy in the same was as the nutrients in the tree.
Right now, money is in the form needed to haul those nutrients up from the Earth. It is designed for extraction, which always requires labor, and promises to do labor, the labor of extraction, extracting the energy from all manner of materials, and stored energy sources on Earth, and from one another. What I mean by "designed", is it was designed by human evolution, rather than an identifiable group of people, it is a structural outcome of evolution which came about by us losing some basic moral values, it seems to me, we all contribute to it, mostly without even realising.
When the tree first sprouts leaves, the nutrients transporting energy to all parts of the tree needing it, change direction, so as to enable the energy now being injected into the leaves from the sun, to flow downwards, towards Earth, now assisted by gravity.
That is the natural state of the nutrients throughout the adult life of the tree. There are "scientists" who will try to argue that point, but logically, when we take into account the way energy channels normally work (They are bidirectional, like a pipe, or a wire), there is no reason to think this is not the case for the tree, other than our deep down conditioning that might make us think the tree somehow hangs on to the energy it receives, storing it up, in the same way as we hoard money. But the tree would need some kind of valves in the nutrient "pipes" to do that. Did nature really go to so much trouble, and why would it do that if we can see hoarding doesn't do any good anyway, except maybe if extraction was an existential requirement, as it is in the absence of the sun, but the tree has fine access to the sun... :)
The maths of the energy absorbed by the tree shows us it absolutely wasn't retained by the tree, it went to Earth somehow, explaining also how the Earth gets much of its energy.
So the way money needs to change, is to a form which enables transport of the energy received by solar farms, to all who need that energy.
Until that is done, whilst the solar energy is now in existence (Since we started sprouting our leaves in the form of solar farms), money has to devalue, because solar energy, being donated, not extracted, easily overcomes extracted energy in utility.
Why bother continuing to do the work of extraction on one hand, when the other is receiving energy for free?
If you see how this works, it is like looking into pandora's box, and seeing something that can never be unseen. This is absolutely the way things have to go, we can't get around it, nature really is at check, with one move to mate.
Now all the folk with big money might have big ambitions, to "Make a killing", in every sense of the word. like you've pointed out here, but nature is pulling the carpet out from under them, as we write. I am sure the the cleverest amongst them can see this, and will probably to everything in their power to try to prevent it, but this is nature overriding their authority now, she is pulling rank.
So what do we need to do, in all practicality, what can we do?
Just keep doing what we are doing, I would say. Wait for the shit to hit the fan, as it will when inflation really takes off, they will see literally billions drop from their fortunes overnight, but unfortunately meantime, we ("the middle classes") stand to be progressively put into poverty ourselves.
To me, the shit hitting the fan, is the point when everyone, united by anger at what is happening, goes to to the streets by the tens of millions, to demand a permanent end to the austerity; demanding the free money which we are actually owed, or heads on spears.
Heads on spears won't achieve anything that stops extinction, we all perish anyway, if all we can think of is hate.
That is why I recommend demanding free money, when the time comes.
If/when we get that, then we can start putting things right straightaway, by implementing a new community based solar-hydrogen economy, all driven at the input by the energy being received from solar.
That done (It only takes 1 to 2 years, after we start), we will never see these problems of shortage of energy, or greed again.
Sorry I have again done a war and peace type response to one of your stories, but this seems to me to be the only way we might combine ideas, rather than be developing things separately in silos. This is how to get much more value from our efforts, which are all towards the same end, it seems to me :)