Jared everything you’ve talked about here is true, as long as we are practicing the Grand Energy Ponzi (GEP), which also is the underlying reason our environment is failing.
Can you see a fix for the environment in your vision of a workable system?
I don’t see it in your piece, so am guessing it isn’t yet included in your thoughts.
So you probably can’t yet see how different things would be in the only alternative to the Grand Energy Ponzi, the only route to genuine long term survivability, not only for us, but for all other living things on our planet.
How power, and all things are colonised by the “strong”, or even just the lucky, be they in government, or big business, is wholly dependent on being able to enforce scarcity against others.
If scarcity can’t be enforced, then there is no longer any weapon that can be used to oppress, or “Rule”.
But even better, no reason to.
We don’t need to look far to realise money is absolutely worshiped.
Hell we all do that, rich and poor.
So money is our God.
Currently, it all represents capital, which is Earth, which was all created by the energy from the sun.
And we are consuming it, by way of energy used entirely as capital.
Energy is the thing we thrive on, that is what develops us, evolves us, evidently at a far greater rate than it can Earth, or any of the other creatures on it.
Since our requirements for it exceed the rate that it develops Earth, our consumption of Earth is unsustainable.
Yet we still pretty much ignore the source of it, the sun.
The sun is like our giant mains socket, whilst Earth is like a battery.
We just need to plug into that socket, and all is put right.
By doing that, using what we worship, money, we start to worship what comes from above, rather than what comes from below.
Can you see how this starts to align with both science, and religion?
(Heaven / hell, worship of false gods, etc, etc)
In fact by that, all human interest becomes aligned with all of life.
In that circumstance, when all money is free, available to all people, the market really is finely grained democracy, which doesn’t need enforcement in any way.
We saw this briefly, a brief flash of what abundance looks like, when the first stimulus of 4Tn was issued in US, but has never been analysed or even talked about much, as it leads down a rabbit-hole that the capitalist mindset characterised so clearly by the actions of mainsteam media and even all social media platforms, doesn’t like to think about (It wants to keep ignoring the sun).
Oil prices went negative, shares in conventionally bankrupt companies still selling much loved products soared, and the environment made the only spike of recovery we’ve ever seen.
They were trading via the Robinhood app, that I know you love, using free money.
That was our glimpse of a truly free market.
Capitalists hated it, including the classic Warren Buffet, they ran for the hills crying foul on the courts who changed the law at the time, to allow it to continue.
The people flooding the market were donating, voting for the things they decided have value, things never voted on before.
There is no reason why we can’t have such a system sustained forever (whatever that means) by the energy of the sun.
I believe it is happening anyway by solar powered proof of work tokens, including most significantly Bitcoin.
I don’t see why that technology won’t keep expanding to swallow up all economy, and all energy, very soon, much sooner than can be realised.
The way things look, most of us won’t really fully understand this, until we are looking back on it as history, I would say.