Jared, brilliant analysis, eliciting some interesting responses, thanks for posting.
I think that what we saw, when the first $4Tn stimmy was issued by the orange buffoon can be easily misinterpreted though.
It is key we really understand the full implications of all of the outcomes of that, the largest ever stimmy experiment.
Profit driven investors (the standard mindset), might have thought it was mostly bad, as from their point of view, a lot of folk “lost” a lot of money, and most of the handouts, equivalent to $10k per head for every one of the people of the US, was taken up by those already at the top of the wealth pile.
The profit driven media at the time of course supported the standard mindset, mostly with outrage.
Some other events were remarked on, but nobody seemed to understand what they meant, so those stories were just sidelined by the always more profitable collumns of trump-bashing.
- The price of oil went negative, for the first time in history.
- The usual steady growth in value of “Safe Haven” assets like gold, and even Bitcoin, dipped.
- Some bankrupt company stocks soared. Probably also a historical first, the law in the US was changed immediately in response, to allow investment in bankrupt stocks to continue unchecked.
- The dollar value itself, astonishingly, went up.
- Many high profile standard investors ran for the hills, crying foul, including Warren Buffet, who declared “Something strange” was happening with money. Max Keiser, a well-known, usually controversial Bitcoin evangelist declared those buying bankrupt stocks in the markets as “Inexperienced”, and “Losers”.
But they weren’t losers, because the money they were giving out was given to them for free, a little of the stimmy overflow.
Even if they weren’t, they could only be considered as losers if their money would not be replaced by repeated stimmy.
They might have been inexperienced, as the bulk of them only appeared around the time of free stimulus. They were mostly using the Robin-hood app, which gave access of market trading to ordinary folks, not long before first stimmy cheques.
They weren’t trading at all, they were donating.
They were donating what they were happy to donate, of donations received, to the things they knew about, that they perceived were important.
Things like cars for hire, ship cruises, and holidays.
And as the donations were appreciated, the dollar value went up.
Right there, we were seeing pure, sustainable, fine-grained democracy at work, via the markets.
They were voting for the things they saw as important, by donating to them.
They obviously didn’t vote for oil, and not many voted for gold or Bitcoin, as they might have expected the stimmy to continue, so why bother with safe haven investments.
The real losers were the investors sitting on piles of non-cash capital, expecting to be earning crazy profits by that, as usual, and of course, oil Barons.
Something strange was also happening in the global environment. Water quality, fish stocks and coral all showed a brief positive spike of regrowth.
In UK, we were also issuing stimmy, though nowhere as grand as that in US, we also saw some environmental recovery. I personally still remember smelling truly fresh air again for the first time in thirty or forty years, never realising we’d lost that until just then, the vibrance of the natural environment, cycling through deserted, weed-grown city streets, with flowers of all descriptions cascading down walls, the air thick with their scent, as daughter and I were allowed to experience together cycling for an hour each day during lockdown, was indescribably glowing. I’ve never felt that before, ever, in UK.
If we think of what was actually happening as free money acting as the antidote to investments, why would that be a bad thing, if the free money can be sustained why would anyone wish to invest, or even own and maintain anything other than a few much appreciated personal items?
To me, everything we witnessed confirms the outcome of massive stimmy is something approaching Utopia, that even the richest would have to acknowledge and accept, is a much better world than can be had by the old ways of profit and capitalism.
If we accept that, then there is no limit to “How much is enough”, there can never be enough, all money sources just have to turn on the money flow, and leave it maxed out, no further attendance necessary.
Of course the standard mindset assumes that is unsustainable, but it isn’t, if we accept that infinitely scaleable free money, backed by the unquestionable authority of the energy of the sun, is aready being generated by the monetisation of sunlight, and that is already part of the world economy, via the markets.
There is no physical reason why the taps can’t just be turned on, and left on.
That done, we will see an economy and progress beyond anyone’s wildest imagination, because when we analyse how things would work after that moment, it is like switching on an electrical circuit which has never been switched on before, or like turning on the water supply to a new piped irrigation system, the difference between on and off, is huge.
This could happen any moment now, the only thing stopping it, is a seeming stubbornness, by those in power, to try to preserve the old world of profit, scarcity enforcement, and capital of the Grand Energy Ponzi.
I think you read already my Kardashev Hinge story, but that, and the other story linked on personal pow currencies gives the mathematical and physical justification, to just turn on the money printers, walk away, and watch the magic happen.