Jan I hope you can see our different approaches to interpreting the data show differences in our understanding. You are using what appears to me to be an invalid assertion, given in your final sentence above, that PV has the "lowest efficiency amongst others for electricity production".
This makes no sense, because the cost to Earth of Joules added to Earth by solar is negative... in other words solar actually adds Joules to the world, whereas energies "Generated" by all other means remove Joules from Earth.
Look at oil - 1 gallon took millions of years of solar energy to create, so it is incalculable how many KWh went into the creation of each gallon, suffice to say it is a lot, it might as well be an infinite amount, but we only get a typical 37KWh back out.
The same thing can be seen of nuclear, the energy that created the materials consumed is vastly more than the energy pulled back out.
The net result in both of those cases, in terms of the energy subtracted from what was created by nature, is loss of Joules put to use by nature.
We took some materials or other resource from Earth, and destroyed them in every case, then use comparisons of how efficiently we do that, to say which methods are better than others... all of it is destruction.
The net result of using energy of Earth by any means, is destruction.
This goes for wind, waves, geothermal, all of it results in reduction of the energy historically put to use by nature.
The only way round that, is to use the energy of the sun.
Those are the only Joules added to Earth. Calculating efficiencies is irrelevant, because there is nothing to truly compare it with, there is only one source adding Joules to Earth, the sun.
So until conventional science starts to see this, nothing is fixed, no matter how much effort is put into doing calculations of efficiency to justify putting yet more energy into the energy grinder of human activity, we are on the road to destruction, the environment will continue to deteriate exponentially, and financial inflation will devalue all money beyond all use, because it is not representing the only energy of any value, that is solar.