James, I agree that the top echelons of elitery scoop off the lion's share, but to fully understand where all the money is wasted, we need to look at the energy connection, imho
.In the current system, we are reacting to the climate emergency by adding on yet more load taking energy from Earth. This happens when we do things like create carbon taxes, and other industries looking to profit from the creation of carbon. Since the source of extracted energy can't really be much expanded, because it is literally depleting, the extra load has to manifest as less available throughout the system. Those at the top, whilst still having plenty, will be noticing that it is thinning for them, as well as everyone else. It is manifesting as inflation. If we see how this works, we'll notice nature is driving it, we can't get around it, our hand is being forced to do whaat nature demands - to start issuing money representing solar product created, not only ongoing, but historically.
We might say that by starting to use solar, we took out a contract with nature, to start repaying our energy debt to Earth. It does not start to be repaid, until we stop issuing money as debt, or for any kind of return, and start issuing it as somethng for free, in the same way as the sun issues its Joules of energy to us for free. This is the only way those valuable Joules can be represented by money.
(Bitcoin, and other pow tokens are already doing it, but that's a whole other story)
Otherwise inflation will carry on removing all value from money. They (The money issuers) can't get around this, not even by issue of CDBCs, fundamentally anything requiring to be controlled so as to maintain scarcity depends at source on energy which can be scarcified.
Domestic and community solar, which the utilities energy industry denies even exists, is already supplying about 20% of energy consumed in developed countries. In 2022 that business created 50Bn of economic product in UK, and not a penny hs been issued on it.
The total since 2005 is around 457 Bn.
If this money was issued, there would be an avalanche of work done installing more solar to further maximise the financial stipend. The timescale to 100% would be probably less than two years, assuming no production or logistics holdup in the equipments needed, and after it is done we would have permanent solar backed UBI
I provided a link with numerical data proof to Max's response below, if you are interested to have a look.