Jack, thanks for your response.
All things are created from energy.
The energy we use to make things is mostly produced by consuming Earth resources, producing toxic waste as a by-product. Even nuclear energy does the same.
The consumption of finite resources is a zero-sum process.
Hence our economy built on it is a zero-sum economy.
This was not clear to me when I first started the vrenar project, network effects can operate in a way that masks wealth transfer to make it look like we can create wealth from nothing except human ingenuity, but now having researched it thoroughly, even ingenuity requires energy, and all of our energy is from finite profit driven resources.
It is clear to me now that the only way of getting infinity out, is to put infinity in.
Throughout history we’ve exercised various forms of slavery, and other malpractices upon our fellow humans to profit from them, obtaining larger shares of wealth, which we then exchange for other resources, or credit for such, always with a view to making profit.
This is behind every division we can identify between humans, and between most animals.
Trace it back, it all comes down to a basic animal instinct to seek profit, because all resources have historically been limited.
What does “plenty” mean?
It can only be infinity.
Even most billionaires would agree with that. Only infinity would be enough to share without restriction.
Anything less than infinity, we will fight for it, because what others win, we lose in the zero-sum game.
Now, we see also the problems of toxic waste build up, which is directly related to rates of serious illness such as cancer, and we see this is likely to become critical before we can even finish consuming the energy resources of the planet.
If we search the number of places around the world where there is unrest due to wealth shortages perceived by the majority, we see the number is increasing. We see borders being put up around every country. Even within countries and continents, we see further fragmentation.
These conditions look very similar to those that existed just before ww2.
We cannot afford another ww.
Zero-sum resources are being hoarded in some quarters, some countries are richer than others, but the overall ratio of resources per head of population around the world is less.
The supply of energy resources is less, because we have consumed a large proportion of it.
Our animal instinct to profit is literally driving us to destroy the planet.
We appear to have reached the point where we must switch from zero-sum, to limitless, before further damage is done.
The only limitless source of energy is the sun.
So the only solution to the problem is to switch our consumption of energy exclusively to solar power.
To do that, we have to all see that it is the only solution.
Before we have another world war which would be the end of everything.
I know I am not the only one pointing this out, there are more and more folk saying it.
We literally cannot afford another war.
Humanity is bankrupt, but we only need to open our eyes and look up to the sun to see the obvious solution.