I've spent the past five years working on the problem from a physical energy systems Engineering point of view, its mostly all I write about in Medium. To me there is a very clear path out of the mess. It starts with the issue of money, "Kardashev Money" representing the Joules of energy received from the sun, ending the vicious cycle of money-as-debt, which ties us into energy extracted from Earth.
I call this new kind of economy "Energyism"
I could write about that, showing all of the System Engineering logic that goes into the analysis of everything tracing to and from the basic issue of where we get our energy from, Earth, when it should be the sun, even showing how this mimics the action within a plant, or anything being born from infancy to adulthood, and the effects of energy retardation on the way we think, until I am blue in the face, but not many folk take it seriously, and when they do, seem to no sooner forget it than it is read.
This is where I see beautiful stories like yours doing things my own stories can't do, that is making us realise what beauty really is, opening our hardened hearts, to then be receptive to the possibility that stories like mine are actually the truth, the physical way out of the mess we are in.
I don't know how to express the beauty we see in your stories, I think you have unique talent there, I hope you are never discouraged by any seeming disinterest, the platform profit driven algos have a lot to do with that, but you probably know that anyway.
Thanks for another great read, with some really cool graphics.