I've seen this also and even tried to explain it to a Sri Lankan friend and former colleague, before it all happened, when it was still only writing on the wall, and they couldn't get it, could not believe Sri Lanka would turn out that way, but it has. I've tried to say how Sri Lanka should not be funded by loans, but with money given for free, representing economic product created from solar by the countries which have higher levels of domestic and community solar installed, in a way we owe you that, you should be given it, to empower you to develop your own domestic and community solar infrastructure. Your country could have been used as a pilot model for how to fund a floundering country to prosperity, especially a country in sunnier climate.
All of that would have been use of mathematically positive energy to do all positive things, even reversiing temperature rise, but none of this is accepted, not even by yourself so far Indi, yet its hard maths, physics, and formal Systems Engineering.
My understanding is that you are in the Elites of Sri Lanka. I can see why elites everywhere might believe that they have to use money as a weapon, rather than as something to empower, but in the end this is negative use of money, which can only be sourced by mathematically negative energy, that is energy extracted from the planet, thereby continuously cranking up the temperature.
Changing how we use money, from something used to impose scarcity, to something used to empower, is the only way we will ever break the deadly grip energy by extraction has on us and the planet. That starts, on issue of money reflecting the economic product already created by solar. The debts claimed to be owed by your country could quickly become history, if we could start to do this in the more developed countries of the West.
The Elites everywhere are who need to make this decision, it is they who hold the power of denying money, and are denying it, and actually perpetuating and accellerating the global warming - carbon taxes are another predictable negative move, that will onlly accelerate warming, by increasing pressure on profit.
The challenge is in getting them to understand this.
Do they really want to be kings of a dying planet? I don't think so. Besides, all money is devaluing because it is increasingly no longer representative of the only growing economic product - from solar.
It would help if you understood it, I think, Indi.