I've read the surplus energy articles of your link, and agree with Morgain as far as his premise that the economy and energy are intricately connected goes.
But he believes QE is harmful, this is where we diverge.
His error in this is based on another incorrect statement - that energy is never for free.
Solar energy is for free.
No Joules are sent to the sun to pay for the Joules it sends to us.
It donates Joules to us, for nothing.
So when we use them, we have to pass them on for nothing, otherwise the sums doin't add up.
With money in the old system, things like sums not adding up could be papered over and even taken advantage of, by issuers of money for example.
But in the physical world of energy, the sums have to add up.
When the sums don't add up, then it doesn't work, and we blame things like solar panels not being efficient enough, or being too expensive, or we'll put the blame of the same accusations on hydrogen backup systems also needed to get full value from solar, but actually, the real reason it doesn't work, is that the sums just don't add up, if we do not put the correct value on the cost of the solar energy, that is zero, no cost, because no Joules are demanded by the sun, for the Joules it donated to us.
Proof, with real data and sums is here (How many times can I post this, and it still gets ignored?):