I've read a few of your stories and can't find you saying anything good about Cuba, your home place, that surely you must have some fond memories of, because it is very beautiful, unspoiled in many ways, but I guess you probably couldn't go back now, even if you just wanted to visit. My understanding is Cuban expats are more or less expelled, is this true?
I am sure stories of how bad the Cuban government is are much more popular than stories maybe crediting them with anything good.
I visited Cuba a few times (4), always to Havana and nearby places, drawn there by the reputation of Cuba for Salsa dance, I wanted to learn it more, and got that, making many friends in the Dance industry there, learning about the different styles of music and variations of dance and the culture of the Orishas, etc.
Covid changed things in a way I can't get there any longer, it's out of my reach financially, and I miss it a lot. I actually think there is much Western culture could learn from Cuba.
Compare how many died in Puerto Rico as a result of Hurricane Maria, with how many died in Cuba.
Cuba lost less than a dozen people, all of whom failed to evacuate Havana on orders to go to the shelters, they were caught in falling buildings. After the storm passed, Havana and many other places were flooded, and the people, all people were ordered to work on clearing damage, restoring infrastructure etc, there was an outbreak of Dengue that happened then, my friends all came down with it, the floodwaters must have been perfect for it, but they were all treated at hospital by a vaccine that worked almost instantly to clear the virus, and they carried on working in the floodwaters. I dont think such a vaccine exists anywhere else.
They repaired all infrastructure and things were back to normal in only a few weeks, less than two months or so.
Puerto Rico had no shelters, so there was no order to evacuate, nowhere to evacuate to. Hundreds were killed in the storm. After that, no private companies wanted to do work of repair for free, and no people were skilled enough, or had enough resources to do the work of infrastructure repair needed, voluntarily by themselves,
When the private companies appealed to the US for funds to do repairs, the US refused, so the repairs didn't get done. More than 3000 people died in the ensuing disaster that unfolded then, of cholera, and famine.
Cuba even offered to help, but the US refused to let them help.
Add to that Cuba seems to have developed the first known successful treatment for Ebola, sending more doctors to what was a potentially world threatening outbreak of Ebola in Africa at a time when there was no known treatment for Ebola, than all other countries put together.
Of course they developed their own covid vaccine also.
And right now Cuba is not funding genocide in any way at all.
Seems to me Cuba is pro life, intent in looking after humanity, when Western countries seem to be becoming anti life, potentially wiping out all life on the planet with the disasters unfolding in the environment as well as on multiple war fronts, potentially escalating to nuclear.