I've never been convinced of the big bang theory, I will be honest. I still remember when the story broke, how ludicrous it seemed, that the universe could have started as a dot, tempting as it was to get caught up in the furore of claiming to know more than average folk, about the mysteries of the universe, because by that, we might expect to further our careers, making more money. Now I just see it as profit driven misbelief. Just take one look at the dynamics of a crowd of VC investors, they can be talked into absolutely anything, even mass suicide, by a single person with "Vison".
One of the first questions that occurred was where? Where was the exact location where this dot started? That should be easily identifiable, by looking at the relative directions everything is travelling in. But it isn't travelling, nothing is, so we can't identify a spot where it started. We know that wherever we look, we see expansion, but we can't find a source, so we should conclude there is no identifiable start, and thus also no end, it really is something we should accept is infinite.
Further, we should accept that we can't quantify the universe, like we quantify economoy, again in error, as a zero sum game, it isn't, there is constant creation going on, right in front of us, so why do we think it is reasonable to put a fixed price on all of it?
What it looks like to me is limited minded individuals trying to impose the same limited mindedness on others, for profit. They can only win the game if there is a game to play. Nature doesn't work like that at all, it is us who are profit driven, and this is the thing that fundamentally limits our thinking, it seems to me.
When I tried to quiz supposed experts about big bang physics, later when I was at university, more mature than most, I was left in no doubt that my time in uni would not be long, if I asked too many questions they couldn't answer. So I learned to be happy just to learn only what was needed, to do the work of Engineering that I've done to date.
Now this work has come onto the global energy problem, it is necessary to again question the big bang theory, well actually to blow it out of the water. We need to do this because it now sits at the root of a fundamental misunderstanding we have of energy, and the creation of all of nature. Now this misunderstanding is existential, we have to put an end to the big bang theory, so I am very happy to hear information from Webb, which might help to do that.
Btw. If proof is needed, that the big bang theory is wrong, how about if it costs our very existence, would that be proof enough?