I've just been reading about organ trafficking in Ukraine.
If what is happening there isn't a direct illustration of pure evil at work, I don't know what is.
My Systems Analysis shows how all of this is driven by profit, which in turn is entirely dependent on physical energy extracted from Earth.
That energy characterises perfectly as mathematically negative, destructive, in every way we look at it.
This is compared with energy from the sun, the original single source of all energy on Earth, being mathematically positive, something that creates.
Using the energy of the sun effectively the way plants use it to contribute to all life on Earth, creation, means we have to issue money which carries out the same function in humanity as nutrients do in plants, every token representing a fixed amount of Joules.
All we need, for this to happen, is for money issuers to begin issuing money representing the Joules of Energy already received and put to use by all people, to all people, enabling the creative value of those Joules to propagate to all people.
This would instantly defuse all need for profit, and thus all business carried out only for profit, thus most crime, and most crime prevention, most slavery, most war, most organ trafficking, most need for extracted energy, in short.
At that point, we will have defeateated all mathematically negative energy.
So we should conclude mathematically negative energy is the real evil, and this is the thing that needs to be beaten, before it beats us.
There really is a war going on, between the forces of good and evil, and it is a war which good can't win by any kind of violence or aggression, other than the passive kind.
We can see it clearly, if we just look at the relative sources of energy.
The source, marked with a cross, to show it is mathematically positive, is the the source of everything good, all creation.
The fake sources, all marked by the flat line denoting mathematically negative, all requiring the work of destruction, all resulting in destruction, all making possible and motivating profit, all subtracting life from Earth, are the sources of all evil.
Those are the things that need to be stopped.
Stop those, and everything is fixed, no more evil.
If we look in all religions, we can see this is the message they are all trying to tell us, but which we had to evolve to understand.
All of this, is also science.
Finally, maybe we see how it all fits together.
It looks like we have, to me.