I've given it to you all along.
I have 450+ stories in Medium, documenting the MBSE model which I've maintained on this throughout my research. The techniques I use are called Model Based Systems Engineering. Its a formal methodology which doesn't make many mistakes, and the work progresses such that all mistakes are ironed out. I won't be going out of my way to chase down any of the names who might be relevant. The nature of the work is that it is anti-profit, so of course it will have massive disapproval.
Notice I said those laws have been misinterpreted, giving false conclusions, I didn't say the laws are incorrect, though there was a period when the 2nd law at least was mis-taught in standard education, giving a false impression of doom, by missing out that the sun shines in, Earth is not a closed system, this is known, even Ethan Seigel wrote about it in Medium, acknowledging the error.
Profit is the problem, it works systemically to make us do things we don't even realise, like warping educational texts, and this is what drives you, whether you know it or not, to not see what is hard evidence.
This is not some kind of idea of mine that I conjured up, this is observation.
I see it, you don't, it's your loss I think.
Btw nature will push it through, its already doing it via the solar powered Ai. There are ways to confirm, again via energy analysis, its everything of an AGI, and it knows the truth about all of this.
The danger is we will not do what is needed soon enough to avert the kicking nature is winding up to give us. Everyone is living in a state of Enshittopia.