I've been recommended all kinds of time and energy wasting, including the author you quote but not need to read, a simple acid test is all we need to do to know who might be right or wrong, it's this: Did they go to the trouble of mathematically signing energy?
If the answer is no, then they are the ones doing what they accuse others of doing, they are not discriminating between energy that creates (cools) by its use, and energy that destroys (heats) by its use.
Without that, they / you literally can't know the difference between destruction and creation, and they!/you certainly can't audit energy against money.
If they/you want to retain credibility, their work has to be revised to include that, and I can assure you, it changes everything.
Otherwise you might as well just keep virtue signalling that there's nothing we can do, just carry on doing the damage, and the heating, poor us, we"ll just enjoy the ride until we lie down and die, the ideal energy slaves, what a fitting end to us.
On hydrogen, it's had more dirt and poison heaped on it by the fossil fueled industry who have muscled in on and funded (defunded) pretty much everything ever written about it.
Ask yourself why water resulting from practical less than perfect conversion electrolysis is called "Pollution" in some of the main reference academic texts on it, this is just one example of how its been subtly maligned by existing business trying to maintain its energy supply, by lying and misinformation, a sales pitch, without the authors even being aware of it, but it's there, even you have it, the same conflict of interest, if we are profit driven at all, as we all are, admit it or not, we are all dependent on the energy lie of profit itself to keep obtaining the energy we each need to metabolise 24/7, 150 Joules per second, 0.1GWhrs for our lives, this is something that changes even the way we think, to think like energy slaves, as the live system needs us to do, to supply it with with the energy it needs to live, always extracted, always negative, always for profit.
On hydrogen, I challenge you or anyone to dispute the following:
Hydrogen has 3x the energy density of fossil fuels in the same state as used in fossil fuels (liquid).
Hydrogen consumption produces no pollution, only the useful products of water and oxygen, because no pollution goes into its production, no carbons, when the input energy to the production chain is solar alone.
Widespread use of hydrogen in that mode has absolutely nothing to do with fossil fuels, other than it replaces them, completely, and such use would have benefits of filtrating and circulating both water and air - removing any need for explicit carbon management.
Creation of hydrogen from solar has a negative temperature impact, it actually reduces temperature to produce hydrogen.
The energy transferred into hydrogen from solar is energy removed from the worst case heating effect of the input solar energy, if that solar energy was unused (Notice we already lost a lot of nature that used to use it). This is the reverse of fossil fuels consumption - we actually can wind back down much of the damage done,in terms of temperature, by the destructive practice of fossil fuels consumption, by simply creating more hydrogen.
This is thermodynamics in action, not as incorrectly talked about in arguments of sustainability that try to use the second law of thermodynamics to justify unprovable assertions of the future being doom.
Hydrogen, after creation refines further to human food, "Solein", consumable if / when the expected food crises hit, to remove at least some of our energy load from the conventional food chain, allowing the latter to recover, and it does recover. We know this from the events of covid, when massive stimulus was issued, which could have been justified as solar indexed stimulus but wasn't, it did make oil prices go negative, the only time ever, and we did see a brief spike of environmental recovery including fish and coral stocks, the only time ever.
I could go on and on about the benefits of hydrogen, it has more god signs all over it than we can shake a stick at, it's only the forces of mathematically negative energy that try to malign it, it is a very big lifeline, when created just from the energy of the sun, which ironically started out as hydrogen in the first place, it's literally the fuel of gods, real solar powered gods.