I’ve been finding more and more defeatist dialog, in my own experience, many seem resigned to the goals never being met, and I would agree with them, if I hadn’t been working (researching) the required solution.
To me there is only one, but it is very disruptive, in a positive way, so actually invalidates the COP26 estimates, heavily undercutting them.
We can cut to zero emissions in a much shorter timeframe than those talked about at COP 26, by using something which currently gets a lot of bad press, where environment is concerned; proof-of-work tokens.
The idea of renewable energy obscures a very simple reality; we must connect to the sun.
There is no way around that.
The problem is very simple, Earth is charged from the energy of the sun, and we have discharged it, by using all of the usable human consumable energy reserves, limited by the amount of pollution we can withstand.a
The only way it can be charged back up again, is by using the energy of the sun.
The sun is the only energy source we have to play with, there is no other.
The energy in all fuels, including nuclear, is from the sun.
Studying this, it doesn’t take long to realise that the penalty of pollution is always payable, when we de-create things created by nature.
Decreating fuel created by nature, always results in pollution, there is no way around that.
But interestingly when we create hydrogen fuel ourselves directly from the energy of sunlight, we can do this with no pollution.
Further, we can then de-create that human made fuel, in all applications of combustion, generating no pollution.
The final massive cherry on the cake, with hydrogen, is we can even generate it reversibly, by the established technology of reversible PEM fuel cells.
No more batteries containing rare elements needed.
But more importantly, when that technology is used to "back up" solar farms, to locally preserve power, which for any reason is under-utilised, the excess solar power literally overflows into hydrogen fuel production.
We might recognise hydrogen as a kind of "fuel-as-sunlight".
That makes the energy collected by solar portable, hydrogen fuel, generated by sunlight can be transported to all places from wherever it is created, to anywhere needing it, in the same way as fossil fuels.
But there is one very big fly in our ointment, preventing us moving forward with plans to leap into going wholly solar.
The financial economy is currently deadlocked into a vicious debt driven cycle of consumption of fossil fuels, for the foreseeable future.
To break that, we need some kind of free money, non debt-based money which can be used to supersede all debts, since debt is what keeps us locked into extracting the energy of Earth, and polluting.
We should recognise cryptocurrencies are exactly that.
When powered by sunlight, or even fuel created by sunlight, we see money-as-sunlight.
Since that is interchageable with fuel-as-sunlight, both physically as explained here, and in markets, we see the way to infinitely generate highly valuable free money, forever, whilst even satisfying the ideal of Austrian Economics, which stipulates money issued must be balanced with produce, and we see with money-as-sunlight, and fuel-as-sunlight, it absolutely is, in a way it has never been before.
Each proves the validity of the other, they reinforce one another, based on hard Engineering, physical reality.
We might even see this result as peoetic, nature manifesting the same structural functionality in the trio of technologies of solar farms, hydrogen fuel cells, and cryptocurrencies together, as we see in the trees of nature.
The trees of nature collect and convert solar energy to all of life, whilst our human made trees can supply solar energy to all of humanity.
A human plant comprising the three key technological elements, just like the plants of nature, produces everything it needs to grow and sustain itself, and even replicate, whilst powering all of humanity, solely on the energy of the sun.
None of that was talked about at COP26, because it means the end of the old economy, and even the end of all value in capital, which has big implications on all things financial.
To banks, all money lenders, and all people living on the perceived value of capital possesion, this might seem like the end of the world, but to the individuals living and working in that mode, even the richest by the old system, it means infinite wealth for them too, just in a different form than they might be used to.
Hopefully here you can see why and how we don’t need to go by the COP26 estimates.
We can do much better.
I hope you are encouraged by this, the mission for young folks is to convince older folks they need to forget about the old ways of value in capital, and debt slavery, to leap into free money-as-sunlight, and a completely different, much better future for all.
Don’t let anyone ever gaslight you into believing otherwise :)