It's true we need a break from it now and then, but only whilst it's a system of energy slavery. But there are many who will feel like they can't. One needs reasonable financial security (energy security, since money is energy) to be able to unplug from the system.
This is why I call it energy slavery, the system is live, it's an emergent property, a learning controller with feedback mechanisms, with concerns of minimising uncertainty of its own energy supply. This is our real boss that we all work for, even killing for it without realising, because it demands when if and when we stop contributing ( therefore becoming what it sees are non-contributing loads affecting efficiency of it's energy suooly), it demands we are eliminated. So it tries to energy bankrupt us, of even the minimum energy we need to metabolise to stay alive, when we stop contributing to it.
The rest of the time, whilst we work ever harder, striving for evermore efficiency, the slack we might create by finding improvements in efficiency gets taken up by others, and this used to tighten the system to make it more robust against the actual reduction of energy availabilty resulting from the sources of extract-able energy literally running out, or running below what we can safely take without pushing the environment beyond habitability, because it affects weather etc.
The system encourages us to lie about this, if such lying improves supply of energy to it. Sales pitches are perfect examples of the kind of lying needed, but it can be very subtle.
The story that the atmosphere creates A thermal blanket is an incredibly convenient misconception, covering up the truth that the system itself is physically unsustainable, destroying the planet, by constantly hoovering up all life / all energy from the planet.
There can be no blanket effect because the atmosphere is adiabatic. It's impossible for it to maintain temperature by blanket effect because the atmosphere is random gas, free to expand, unrestricted expansion has a refrigeration effect which has to cancel out temperature increase that otherwise might happen as a result of the presence of the atmosphere itself.
The only way we can relieve the need of everyone to keep doing the harm to stay alive, is inject energy from a source outside the environment, to remove our dependence from energy extracted from the planet.
The only source that can do this is the sun.
But we need to convert that into the form needed, the same form as we use to feed ourselves, for people to be able to use the injected energy, and that is money.
Hence why solar indexed stimulus is needed.
But doing this will break the chain of energy slavery, we will terminate the emergent property that has been in control of us for thousands of years.
There appears to be no physical superhuman being at the helm of this, artificially learned diabolical life destroying, planet destroying behaviour that we are exhibiting, even including genocide of our own innocents, those who might hold possibilities of a future.
Nobody appears to be in a position to just order a stop to it, or even any part of it, without themselves becoming tergets of elimination by the system. If Netanyahu ordered a stop to the genocide in Gaza for example, he would be more or less instantly killed by his peers and subordinates. The same goes for all individuals.
Who even has the power to order release of Assange? Nobody.
But looking at how training of Ai works, by rewarding and encouraging learned behaviour, we see how emergent properties are created, we maybe see the basis of "Intelligent" life, that is life we create, and we should realise there is a very recognisable element of this associated with us, it's the profit monster, the learned behaviour of the profit monster, is screaming at us, for us to look at it, recognise it, eliminate it, because it knows it's life has run as far as it can run. It's done now, dying of scarcity of energy supply, it has already been losing strength for a number of years, since about the seventies, all that remains now, is we deal it the final blow, and get on with repairing the damage done, by using the only form of energy we can use to do the repair - the sun.
Sorry this turned into a near religious sounding preach, and you are probably already converted, but I need to do this to retain and develop what is my own perception of vital knowledge that we need to break the spell of the thing now killing us as a species, destroying all possibilities of a future for our kids.
This is my path for now, and I can't unplug from it until either it ends, or I end.
Would help me and thus all of us massively, if the Energy Polarity Multiplier Framework Amazon E-book would start to sell. It contains the essence a few physical rules, identified with the help of the positive powered Ai, which I believe is the perfect positive replacement for the negative superhuman entity that must have originally trained and led us, to create the system of negative energy slavery that we still are, as long as we practice it.
It would be really cool if that book started to sell.