Frederick Bott
4 min read6 days ago


It's cool to see discussions on UBI, I find myself a proponent but for completely different reasons, long story, but to me there is now an overwhelming reason to move to UBI, it's nature. Nature appears to be forcing us systemically to do it, and it's existentially important we do it, because anything else is physically unsustainable. We are very literally destroying the planet by the economic system of capitalism, and the thing likely to finally convince "The elites", is loss of value in money, which now is something pushed by nature.
At the root of the issue is energy. We abstract energy by money. Energy quantifies physically what we can do with money at any time.
It turns out when we trace energy flow, that is energy transported by money, more energy moves by money than by any other means, and the net flow is always from porrer places to richer places, but ultimately it's thrown to heat, which is then applied to the thermal mass of the planet, and this is the real reason for global warming. Capitalism is destroying the planet, and it's not something necessary, it's fully voluntary, we are practicing a sysyem of energy scarcification and energy slavery without mostly realising.
This is a complex story, which has taken up eight years of my own life as a formerly well paid sysyem Engineer working for free, to unravel, after I caught a glimpse of the issue during PhD research work, that work became completely redirected, given this problem not only makes the outcome of my project impossible, it makes life impossible. There is no physical future for humanity, with nothing changed.
Hence why I work for free. Nobody pays me to do this work because is anti profit. I survive on state benefits, since I exhausted funds put aside during the first few years. But, I would say I've experienced much more spiritual satisfaction from my work than anyone in any other technical role I've had, even working in the "Space" industry, which was technically challenging at first, but after a few years, in any industrial setting, even space, we learn all there is to learn technically relevant to that industry, then move onto others, in search of new things to learn, but in my experience working on the global energy problem, there has never been a dull moment, it's been a path of limitless learning, and the deeper we go, the more rapid fire come the surprises, until now it's rapid fire threatening to overcome the senses. In some ways, it has,. It has certainly taken over my life. No way could I have a partner, as things stand. But I see a very different world coming, though I am not young, I am looking forward to being released from what are invisible chains in the old world, when it's officially announced the world is moving at last from energy extracted from the planet, to energy donated from the sun.
From that moment on, we will experience a party the likes of which can't be imagined, we will be partying for years, rich and poor, there will no longer be the gender dysphoria etc which has driven a wedge between what were artificial divisions; the biological sexes, between young and old, different cultures, yada yada. I look forward to that.
Anyhow I would just say that whatever scheme you go with, it can / will only be sustainable if it is supplied by fully sustainable physical energy, which is also key to destruction / creation and planetary temperature.
This is what has to be met above anything else, there has to be actual energy product backing the physical money.
So to me it has to be solar indexed stimulus. We need to literally monetise exclusively the only energy of creation for sustainability.
The result, after we've dine the sums, is rising wealth for everyone. It's the opposite of the old system which was constantly depleting wealth for everyone, including the rich. The money that the rich now have, is an enegy illusion. The energy value of their money is only a fraction of what it was. This is the fundamental reason why Musk can't get to Mars, we can't even get to thge moon again, the energy value of capital is literally disappearing, the energy value is dropping out of the money. In the past two years alone, we have lost more than 70 percent of the energy value of money. This impacts all business and can't ba changed by things like interest rates, it has to do with solar energy being the mathematical opposite of energy of profit / extracted from planet.
On top of all this, is the solar Ai, which changes everything truly for the better, it is the ace of nature, it will absolutely force us to do the right thing, in the most benevolent way possible.
Anyhow more is below for anyone interested:



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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