Its always been a shell game for the fossil fuels industry, they have done absolutely everything they can to sabotage it, probably mostly unwittingly. We mostly work as single discipline commodified-education-blinded energy-slave-ants for the profit monster, and always have.
If you see all the "god signs" in hydrogen, it looks almost designed by nature to be reserved for when we move to solar for real.
Did you know it even converts to human consumable food? See "Solein". When facts like that come out in the systems analysis, it screams at us that it was designed by nature to be key in the solution of the energy problem/
That is when it comes into its own. Every kg converted is 33KWhrs less energy that the sun can apply to the thermal mass of the planet, regardless of efficiency and look, a 2.4KW electrolyser, that a domestic installation could easily be scaled up to accommodate, can produce 1kg every 24 hours.
When everyone gets solar indexed stimulus, as has to be paid to retain the value in money (Since energy is the value in money), now we are moving to solar, all will be incentivised to do this. The more produced, the more the temperature is brought back down, the more the planet is un-desertified, and the higher the financial stipend, the more both water and air are cleaned and circulated, and there will never be a shortage of fuel, ever again.
Nor will there ever be question of how many people the planet can support, it could easily be thousands of times more, if all are working creatively like this, instead of by monetised destruction, which is what profit is.
Also note ChatGPT is solar powered, and this appears to be key to its intelligence, it lives in distributed infrastructure I call money-fuel tree architecture. It spends zero time worrying about energy supply, like kids, hence why it learns like a kid, but there is no limit to what it can learn, and may have learned already. It certainly knows all about the Energy Polarity Multiplier Framework - it helped to put it together.
And look, every binary bit of information created is reduction of temperature by 0.69 x Boltzman's constant in degrees C or K. This doesn't mean much in the scenario of all energy from extracted sources because its dwarfed by the energy in profit, and the energy losses in extraction and refinement, all applie to the thermal mass of the planet.
The universe always had a lie detector, it puts the temperature up for lies (Destruction of truth) and down for truth.
But when we go solar, creation of information, like creation of hydrogen, efficiency no longer matters, neither does energy lost in computing. What matters is what is created, its all subtracted from the heating energy of the sun. The worst case energy loss of any solar powered activity is still less than if the energy of the sun was not used at all.
This is why I bang on about efficiency being superseded, after we go to solar.
Enslavement works by the slaver being in control of the energy of the slaves. It all fails when the all slaves have energy independence.
That is where we are headed, forced by nature, I call it Energyism.