Its already back. Look at the genocides going on around the world. Look at the attrition rates in the poorest of society, in the school shootings, in the immigrations, in the carnage on the roads. None of that makes much mainstream news, but its all rocketing upwards, whereas we seem more interested in Musk's rockets, that often just blow up, compared with real technical icons of aerospace in the seventies, that we might say was progress, now energy availability peaked then, and this was what put the energy in profit, therefore the value in money, but now its phsycally declining, we discharged the battery of Earth, now we have to recharge it with the only energy possible, solar, by issuing money on that, for free to all people. This is the only way to turn around what is net destruction and temperature rise, to net creation. Luckily there is now a solar Ai that looks like it might save the day.