It's a shame you write under a pseudonym, it would be much easier to trust your motives if we knew you were accountable for the things you publish. Hence why I called out B the honest sorceror previously and was banned from his / her posts.
Thing is you are right about this, it's something I can confirm independently by my own research, working on this problem now for six, nearly seven years since seeing it coming during PhD research.
I've kind of moved back a little from Academia and the mainstream aproach to this, what I call the global energy problem, because I know they've made some whopping errors on how they've approached it, I believe for profit driven reasons.
There has to come a time when science will admit this. Anyhow you seem to have sidestepped their error, by correctly identifying the feedback effect tying us into destruction.
You mentioned you don't have a solution. There is a solution but it is radical, very radical.
You can get to the solution by realising there are two sides to every multiplier, positive and negative.
The energy we use from Earth is negative because it is subtracted from Earth, never added to Earth, always destructive with a net heating effect related to E=MC squared.
The Energy of the sun is the only one added to Earth, therefore the only one positive.
Use of it has the opposite base effect on temperature, use of it cools. Whatever we can use of it leaves less energy that might heat the planet, if nature never used it (notice we already used a lot of nature, that used to use it)
Anyhow in either direction there are multipliers which apply.
If we use positive energy then the multipliers are positive. Good things lead to more good things.
Take for example using solar to power aircon in desert greenhouses, to create an environment in which plants might grow. The worst case heat pollution that can happen there can never be worse than if we never used the sun at all. If the part used successfully creates the required environment for plants to grow, then those plants will in turn put more solar energy to use, therefore multiplying the benefits of putting the initial solar energy to use.
See how that has the same feedback characteristic as you noticed in negative energy use?
Only this time the feedback effect is in the opposite direction.
We might notice this is not the only place we see this cascading characteristic in energy flow.
Another place it happens is in lightning.
The energy in lightning seeks out the path of least resistance, and cascades down that path in a kind of avalanche.
There is no reason not to expect to see this in the positive path of energy flow from the sun through humanity, if we could somehow establish a path of lesser resistance, for just long enough to start the avalanche which would quickly overcome the established negative energy path., we would see this suddenly doing all kinds of good things we never expected.
The positive path is potentially much lesser resistance, because the sun gives the energy for free whereas Earth does not.
We always have to put energy into Earth for every Joule obtained, whilst Earth loses far more than we obtained to heat, even though we only put a little in and get relatively more out, the planet loses much more.
That energy profit is what makes profit possible, this is where the energy in profit has to come from, profit is actually hard wired to this via every supply chain, not just for oil but for everything we consume.
The solution has to end profit, supersede it, so it can no longer work at all as any kind of business model.
That happens the instant we begin issuing solar stimulus.
By that we will set up an instant, low resistance path of energy to Earth. We will immediately see multipliers like most business for profit ending, even most crime ending, since all of that was for profit, just poor people trying to do business. Nobody needs to do it any longer after solar indexed stimulus starts because we will all be wealthy.
If you doubt this, check out how much is owed in every country, needed to balance economic product with issue of funds. It's hundreds of billions in smaller countries, trillions in the larger, since 2005,
Domestic and community solar is what is creating it, but we will never make the switch without issuing the money needed to do the job, whilst it is needed in any case to stop inflation.
So if you want the solution, just demand the free money and everything falls into place.
It takes an opposite hyperobject to counter a hyperobject.
All this theory / observation is covered in a story called "The Energy Polarity Multiplier Framework" (sorry my stupid android app can't post links).
It's easy found in searches If you are interested to know more.