Its a crime posts like this will not be promoted by the platform Scott. The algos driven by profit know that this is not what folks want to hear, they will push the story only to those that applauded stories you wrote previously, and maybe a few shills who will try to ridicule and shame you for daring to say something that might make folk feel any guilt or responsibility.
At the root of that is profit.
Profit is at the root of every atrocity. The inhumanity is caused by social bubbles created by the way profit driven algos and people automatically herd us into social bubbles.
Small social bubbles inciting extremism end with small atrocities like the Christchurch Massacre. Big social bubbles inciting extremism end with major atrocities like the one unfolding in Gaza.
At the root of it all is the profit monster, which I wish we would recognise is the real villain, the same villain as drives us to keep ripping off the planet for energy, reflected by constantly rising temperature.
Profit is the energy con of thinking we can and should always get more energy back out than we put in.
The sun can't be tricked into giving out more than it received, it gives what it gives with a choice; take it or leave it. If we choose to leave it, it heats the planet a little more.
The Earth on the other hand will keep giving more out in return for what it gets coming in, until there is nothing left to give.
This looks a little like the story of the people of Gaza to me. They lose much more than is given in every deal, always for profit.
We could stop this almost instantly with a world changing event, like we did in response to covid, despite a few not so good things for profit being done then too.
The main event was issue of massive stimulus.
Just for a while, we stopped the killing of both people and planet.
We did that by removing the need for everyone to carry on doing the killing, for profit, by removing the need for profit.
We almost killed the profit monster.
But it quickly recovered, seizing control of the narrative, burying all the benefits before we could formally acknowledge them, and work out how to sustain genuine, honest sustainability, by attributing the money issued, and the benefits to the solar energy coming in.
The money quickly became debt, slamming shut the door keeping us locked into energy extraction, and working for the profit monster.
Now we have a burning planet and the atrocity unfolding in Gaza, which won't be forgiven by the majority of people not part of "The West".
Since they too are driven by the same profit monster, they too are going to be driven to look for safety by violence.
They are going to see us a little like we saw the Nazis in the first two world wars.
We "won" because the majority of us were against the atrocities of the Nazis.
Now it is us who are the minority doing the atrocity, if not actually wielding the weapons, we are doing by living from the proceeds, for profit as always.