It takes all kinds, all views are valid until proven otherwise, I think. The irony is that the work I've been doing voluntarily for the past five years using thirty years of professional Systems Engineering experience and tools, to analyse the energy system, leads to the conclusion we have it all wrong as stands, due to the fundamental way all money is issued as debt, which is effectively all promises to extract, when all along the energy we need to be using, the only truly safe energy to use, therefore the most valuable, is the energy of the sun, which is donated to us, not extracted.
That fact is being muddied by the big-bang associated argument that Earth was formed independently of the sun, therefore has energy on it which is independent from the energy of the sun, which is simply not true, actually a potentially fatal error to make, as evidenced by the undeniable problems of pollution, which all comes from extraction, leading to the environmental disaster we are seeing unfold.
This adds to my own longstanding suspicion that the big bang can't be correct, but not only that, the same misunderstanding is now existential, because even the cleverest of scientists can't understand the very simple truth that there is only one actual source of energy, the one which generated, and continues to generate all the Joules that ever existed, and probably even all of the materials that exist in the solar system, is the sun.
If we can't even get that correct, as it appears to me we can't, unless things like the big bang theory are overtuned, allowing us to see the simple truth about the way practical energy works, as concerns us, then there is no hope for us, it seems to me.
That is why I would welcome information leading us to the conclusion that the big bang is all wrong.
We need to know it, in order to know how to put things right on Earth, I think.