It suits you to believe this because you have “done well” for yourself by that system, but the truth is the majority of people have not.
Imagine if you can, if no-one had ever entered into, or been forced to enter into any exchange agreement, ever in history, how different things would be from the unsustainable world we have now.
Every “agreement” ever made, is done so with no real idea of the outcome, since no human can predict the future, or what things might happen outside of their control which could prevent us satisfying an agreement.
Agreements are often made in full knowledge that the party with less collateral can never satisfy their end of the deal, like a person entering a casino with less capital to wager than the house, they are doomed to lose.
Then follows broken agreements, slavery, wars, and genocide, with a side effect of toxic pollution of our environment.
In short, humanity locked into a death spiral of feeding on itself whilst raping our planet.
When was the last time you read the small print in a button you have to click to get to the next page of a website or app?
The US issueing 25% of all the printed dollars in all the history of printing dollars this year, and the dollar still retaining any value, far less a rallying value, makes a mockery of the idea that money is not freely printed.
Of course it is.
So the dollar value is actually a credibility indication, set by markets.
As also are company shares, which again can be freely issued, the prices of which are not related to the “Solvency” of the company, by the old system of profit, but whether or not the company offers products or services we think are desirable to us.
The value of money bears no relationship to the amount printed, or the belief that any of it has to be “paid back”.
Its most valuable state, fetching the highest prices in markets, is simply turned on, like a hose, and allowed to play on the population, empowering all people, continuously.
So there is no longer any need for banks, or investments.
We just need the money turned on, and left on.