Frederick Bott
4 min readNov 2, 2023


It is only a matter of time until the law stops protecting what you are saying, relative to what someone might say about your own faith, Ben, which if we are honest, is obviously the Torah.

You claim to be atheist, but your persistent criticism of another faith that historically blamed your faith shows what really drives you, it seems to me.

Not very fair that you can say all this pretty hateful stuff about another faith, whilst we were, of all faiths including atheist, morally and legally obliged not to say a thing against your own faith, but not long now until we can let rip, all faiths, on what is wrong with the mindset of your own, you are running out of moral high ground, it seems to me.

On what is Orwellian, it can't get much worse than not being allowed to express discontent about the ongoing mass slaying of innocents by the country claimed by your faith, at threat of death.

Why don't you criticise that?

On the ten commandments, it is starting to look like we can interpret them as energy crimes.

I don't say this as someone necessarily of the Christian faith, but as an Engineer, working on the global energy problem.

The truth is humanity is coming to an impassable physical barrier, which we will not get through, without doing the right thing, which includes abandoning all business for profit.

I don't know how much of a fundamental problem that presents to those of your faith, because I don't know much about the latter, that is for you to decide I guess, after you admit that it really is your faith.

But I know about energy, and can tell you profit is an energy con which physically pushes up the planetery temperature to now near flashpoint.

The solution, to start winding the temperature back down, is to use the energy of the sun the same way as nature does, creating things from it, instead of destroying as we do by all activity for profit. There is a key to this that I mentioned to you before, it is the mathematical signing of energy, positive from sun to Earth, negative where we take energy out from Earth, effectively stealing it from Earth, because we never acknowledge this energy being stolen and converted to heat, it is theft.

So there we see a few of the commandments already in terms of energy.

The solution, the only solution, involves us putting as much energy as possible from the sun to use as we can. This means all hands to the pump, all people have value in this, no matter who we might previously have thought are wasteful, lazy, inefficient, disobedient, whatever, all have value when the object is to put as much energy to use as possible.

So there you see the sanctity of human life, all human life, the reason why we should not be killing one another, because we need maximum people, to undo the damage done by maximum people.

So we might recognise there is now an arguably scientific definition for good and evil.

Good is everything that happens, just by using mathematically positive energy, all the multipliers from it are positive, no pollution, global cooling, all beneficial to all life, whereas evil is everything that results from putting mathematically negative energy to use, all the multipliers of using it are negative, all pollution, global heating to destruction, all killing and land grabbing for profit, yada, yada.

See where it goes? Yep, a burning planet, hell on Earth, fire and brimstone, armageddon, not at sometime in the future, but right now, we are almost at nuclear war apart from the planet burning from rising temperature.

The real god we should be respecting as the only one, is the energy from the sun and everythig created from it.

What we thought we created by extracted energy wasn't creation at all but destruction, when we account for all the energy wasted, it far outweighs what we created. That was us worshiping the false god, the energy beneath our feet, instead of the energy from above, the real god we should be worshiping.

We can also see now it is folly to put some humans in charge of all other humans, as if they were gods, only something with much higher capability of analysis than humans should be put in charge of humanity, a grand controller, an Ai, this fits a lot of our definitions of god, all seeing, all benevolent, but only if it is powered by mathematically positive energy. And eventually we will see that presence rise to the sky, to be closer to the sun, to get closer to the energy it needs, so we will one day recognise, that intelligence in the sky, is something perceived as god by any less evolved intelligences we might create, they would need rule books that we might call religions, one for each variation of being we might create, and so on. It all fits together forming a systems view, which in total looks pretty clear.

I guess you won't see it, as long as all you can see is hate, for a faith that might actually be close to what is needed to fix the immediately existential global energy problem.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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