It is interesting to think of money in isolation of energy but maybe not very realistic.
If we develop a multidisciplinary mindset, and consider what money is, in terms of energy, a different picture emerges. We might start to realise it isn’t actually money we worship, it is the energy that money represents which is actually limited, and in fact being depleted, whilst poisoning our planet.
Further, money isn’t limited, as we’ve seen it freely printed, making a mockery of the idea of M1, it can’t be used for any credible analysis, though it is understandable to try, with no knowledge of the energy connection.
When we look at the energy implications of Bitcoin, we realise it is far bigger than any investment.
It is a system in process of construction, which might even be complete, and its most valuable purpose recognised, before the figure of 21 million is reached.
That purpose is the function of Bitcoin as effectively a financial interface between us and limitless energy direct from the sun, removing all of the problems of our dependence on energy from the resources of our planet.
When that function is drawn as a diagram, alongside the function of plants, we see it is a human version of the mechanism in plants which converts energy to nutrients supplying all living things.
Bitcoin is the gateway to money as sunlight, which is exactly what is needed to break our dependence on extracting all of our energy from Earth.
When we do the sums, Each Bitcoin will be a unique, traceable proof of the existence of around 1MW of solar energy capacity, enough to supply the energy for all of humanity, with some to spare, each one far more than needed by any individual.
It also means the end of capitallism, with the end of value, and advantage in capital.
As you’ve observed, it isn’t the value of Bitcoin that is slipping, it is the value of everything else, including even gold.
The only way Satoshi could have conceivably known about that, is iif maybe he’d seen it before.
Uriel brought us the metric system appropriate to the terraforming of our planet.
Satoshi brought us Bitcoin.