It is good you are thinking about young folks, I agree they will inherit everything, but in a much different way from what you’ve outlined.
Your story kind of reminded me of the many times I’ve heard older folks try to get younger folks to “Be good”, so that they might be favored in their parent’s wills, only for those younger folks to be later bitterly disappointed.
You mentioned the controversy over young folk entering the markets.
Did it occur to you they were trading with free money?
That was the real reason they were there, they actually had nothing to lose, the money they played with was free.
If you remember, it was at the time of the big stimulus packages.
Since they had no fear of loss, and no need to profit, they were not investing, they were actually donating, with donated money.
That was the real first, the real thing of significance.
We saw a glimpse of a new future right there, a future in which companies offering much loved products, but conventionally bankrupt nonetheless, could continue giving us the things we need, and allowed us to throwaway the things that we wished we didn’t need, like oil. It was also a brief glimpse of environmental recovery, if you remember.
In my case, I smelled fresh air that I had not smelled for at least thirty years, the difference was startling.
It was a glimpse of a new world of abundance, rather than the world of scarcity that we’ve had for thousands of years.
Of course the old conventional view is that it would be unsustainable, so the stimulus stopped.
But it didn’t need to.
World debt is actually an energy debt, an energy IOU, that we owe to our planet, rather than to one another, for the energy we have taken out of it, which was donated to the planet from the sun for free.
We already routinely use the technology to implement effectively infinitely scaleable solar energy, collected direct from the sun.
Since that energy is directly interchangeable with currency, information, and matter, and it is donated by the sun for free, it is the only source which can repay the IOU.
When we realise that, not long now, the stimulus can be switched back on again, and left on, in trust that we will be motivated to implement the solar infrastructure needed, for which, like all other desirable things in the new donation based markets, there will be no shortage of funds.
I think a lot more young folk know this than some might think.
Some folk will need a mind reset to understand it since most folk who think it is a good and just world in which we should be able to save, can’t understand that a far more valuable outcome is a world in which we would not need to save ever again.
After all it is just humanity adopting the same sun-sourced infinite donated wealth model as used successfully by the rest of nature, before we came along.
In that new world, profit, will never again be something that can take priority over human lives, including those even of our parents.