It is good you are taking an interest, even if we don't see things exactly from eye to eye, I am not surprised, it took me years to get my head around the full economic implications, and I begain on this journey almost seven years ago as a PhD candidate researcher on a related technical subject, after more than twenty years practice as a professional Systems Engineer with even patents in power technoloogy in my history.
Vietnam, in case you didn't know, are having trouble because they created a financial incentive which resulted in 16.5 GW of domestic and community solar to be created. They did this by offering a guaranteed rate for power supplied to the grid by such farms. Locals all over Vietnam took out bank loans to create the farms. Trouble is the grid could only handle up to 2GW of solar. The original government target was only 950MW. So most of the farms need to be switched off, most of the time, only allowing a few to generate some of the time, with the result now the farm owners are going bankrupt because the payments on the loans still need to be made, and so the locals are trying to sue the government for the money lost.
The thing missing from those farms is hydrogen backup. If they had that, then they could be storing their energy in a form that could be sold, to make their loan payments.
It took only 18 months for all that excess solar capacity to be created.
This shows what is possible, with even a slight incentive.
Now the incentive missing in all countries, is the money missing from what should have been issued on all the solar product received since 2005.
As said, in UK it is about 457 billiion GBP.
That would buy quite a lot more solar infrastructure. People getting the money would be inclined to use it to create the infrastructure needed around their communities, which in turn would generate yet more solar stipend, which would generate yet more solar infrastructure, and so on.
Notice this is similar to how a tree grows in nature, it gets energy from its leaves, to fuel all growth, replacing old leaves that die, whilst still managing to feed the Earth with energy rich nutrients, the energy that fuels all of life, including us, until now.
This growth of solar infrastructure would all take only a couple of years.
Of course we would do it in a much more co-ordinated way than Vietnam did, since we know what the end goal is - 100% solar.
Compare that with seven years needed for implementation of a single nuclear power station.
Add to that, upon the first issue of solar product backed stimulus, we would see the same effects on environment, and oil prices, and the dollar value, as seen when 4Tn per month was issued in the US.
The environment made the only spike of recovery ever seen, oil prices went negative, and the dollar value itself went up, not down.
This is what I mean by a reverse hyperobject.
The environmental and economic problems combined are a hyperobject. The only thing that can stop it is a reverse hyperobject.
The reverse hyperobject starts to happen, when the stimulus is issued.
Every one of the things we saw on stimulus issue last time are things we previously thought were impossible, even miracles, but mainstream profit driven business and media failed to highlight it, so now it is almost forgotten.
But it happened, and it will happen again, when the money is issued, and now we can explain why, when we do the numerical analysis, the money was backed all along, by nascent solar product, accumulated for almost twenty years, unmonetised.
This what we are all waiting for now, just realisation, by banks and money issuers and governments, to accept that it is the only way out, it seems to me.