It is all about energy, this is what conventional economists have lost sight of, even before their individual lifetimes, even before that of Michael Hudson, excellent though he is, he / we in the modern world were all educated in compartmentalised, single discipline silos of specialised knowledge, because education became commoditised, as is even classifications of sexual preference, "Mental illness", etc, we actually have been implicitly taught not to think systemically.
The only discipline we might say transcends that, to be multidisciplinary by requirement and definition is systems Engineering itself, which requires many years of experience for a human to learn by practice, as well as some basic Systems Engineering specialist principles.
So it is understandable nobody is talking about energy, an Engineering / scientific discipline, when we talk about money, yet energy is the real physical thing underlying all the issues of money.
Energy from extracted sources is required for profit to be even possible. Increase the difficulty and cost of extraction, and everything required for this is what sets the availability of extracted energy.
When the planet burns the difficulty of extraction has to go up, because all of us instinctively know the more extraction we do, the more the planet will burn.
The knock-on systemic effect is inflation. We can even calculate rules to show how pofitability relates directly to availability of fossil fuels historically. When plotted against time, it peaked in the seventies. At its maximum we had maximum human benefits, at least for those living in the countries benefiting from it, rather than losing by it, things like Concorde and the Space Shuttle, benefiting at least a few, those in maximum wealth and political power.
But look where we are now, the majority soon to face homelessness from being unable to maintain rent and debt repayments, or even a visit to a dentist, it is all becoming unsustainable because the extracted energy it all depends on is becoming almost impossible to obtain, in all practicality.
Rents are just another manifestation of this, shareholders of all things themselves / ourselves are becoming bankrupt, but nobody wants to admit it, emitting instead constant sales pitch that everything is just fine, just buckle down and all will work out, if only it was believable, still.
But if we see the relationship with energy it becomes undeniable, we can't see this and still honestly try to sell a narrative claiming everything is fine, it isn't because the system of profit and debt is physically unsustainable, and is breaking with failure to keep roofs over heads, food on tables, or even basic healthcare. It failed spectacularly to keep those who died during covid from dying.
I write a lot about how only a solar indexed UBI can fix this, and is fully sustainable via solar hydrogen energy sourcing.
I hope folk will start to understand it soon