It doesn't matter how ingenious the technology to benefit humanity gets, unless it is to destroy the profit monster, it will come and go with nary a blip, the profit monster will roll over it, as long as there is profit to be made by not curing anything, just managing the symptoms.
I've lost my two dearest relatives to cancer, the first was my sister aged seven, when I was ten, and the second, our mother, taken in 2012, leaving just me of that one time family of three.
I came to the conclusion there is no point spending money on the technical solution of cancer, none of it will go to anything except the profit monster that steamrollers every real benefit to humanity.
If we want to beat cancer, or any other problem facing humanity, it's the profit monster that has to go, because it is the one behind all problems, it's the one well on the way to ending us completely. And look, why do we defend it, it's a dishonest energy lie at the heart of what is the real modern slavery, and it's even the real reason the planet is forever desertifying, by our net behaviour being destructive, constantly throwing all energy and all life on the planet to heat.
Fix that, and then all the other solutions will get to come forth.
Fail to fix it and we are done, nature will never forgive that failure.