It all kind of makes sense if we see what is happening in terms of energy, and we understand that it's always been, in recorded history, technically a system of energy slavery, and we are all part of it, like it or not.
Nobody except the craziest of genociders is happy knowing that. But this is what it is, despite all the rhetoric claiming slavery was only a thing of the past, it's there just as powerfully as it always was, when folk were sold in chains in public.
Now we don't have the physical chains so much, but we do have a financial system that really does impose the old rules of slavery; the poor must work for the rich, and the rich must uphold this system or die. The one rule driving it all is "do it, or die"
And look, at the heart of it all is profit, a fundamental energy lie, which demands the "weaker" party in every deal must submit energy to the "stronger", beginning with the planet, which puts up the least resistance to having its energy ripped off.
How it started might have been by a bunch of humans who began hoarding grain on the instructions of a burning bush, that advised they needed to do that, to avoid becoming victims themselves of a famine that would follow seven years of hoarding. Sure enough it did, seven years of famine followed, during which we read the hoarders amassed wives and wealth, all from the families and estates of former local dignitaries, who were all made bankrupt and enslaved.
What we saw there is a bunch of humans, probably a small minority, siezing the energy supply of a bunch of other humans by stealth, so as to gain and maintain a stranglehold over their energy supply, seemingly forever.
Now it can't be stopped, not by anyone, until something fundamental happens in nature, that will, and is changig it, it's outside the power of humans to change it otherwise.
The only antidote, as identified by indigenous spiritual gurus (John Trudell, youtube 2010 "I'm crazy" ) is to somehow inject enough energy into the majority, to empower it to overcome the minority rulers.
The only difference we see between single dictator rulers, and collective government rulers is that the single dictator acts feeling like they know the full extent of their actions and so they feel like they can take responsibility for theiir actions, if they have any wish to do that.
Whereas the collective government does everything as a machine, actually an inhuman machine, in which no individual can be seen to be blamed, but still it does all the same damage as done by the dictator, if not even more, but in this case, everyone involved is instinctively driven to avoid taking responsibility. So all avoid it, and the beast in the system is allowed to make all decisions in who or what is to be cullled, in order to make the remaining stored energy resources (capital) go around a little further.
I had friends in Cuba nearby Puerto Rico, having visited the latter four times before that, (my business bank cancelled me for that) and we were in touch throughout hurricane Maria.
Cuba was hit by the full force of the same cat 5 storm but lost only a few people due to some being caught in falling buildings in Havana, having ignored government warnings to get to local storm shelters. They lost nobody after the storm, with everyone working re-deployed from their usual jobs, to the task of replacing lost infrastructure. They were back to normal within the first few months of the storm.
Puerto Rico had no shelters, so lost hundreds of folk in the initial storm, and as you point out, they got no support from government or business to do any recovery of infrastructure, so they lost thousands of folk in the few months following the storm. It's not something widely reported but Puerto Rico lost over 3000 people to the diseaeas and famine that followed the storm.
It doesn't look good for democracy from that point of view.
Its even hard to say if Trump was really in control. The bizarre thing about his time in office, is that he is the only president that ever presided over an actual spike of environmental recovery.
It might have been an accident, but that spike was down to issue of massive stimulus, which, because there was significant unmonetised economic product from domestic and community solar existing at time of issue, the money issued was monetising that previously unmonetised product, so it went up in energy value whilst being issued, and this empowered folk to go trade in markets. They bought everything but oil, it effectively got down-voted, It went negative priced and because everyone was doing that from home, effectively bribed by massive stimulus, they stopoed driving to work, and boom, we saw the only ever spike of recovery of coral and fish stocks.
It went back to normal with banks in control immediately after the money issued was declared to be money issued as debt, rather than as monetised economic product from the free energy of the sun, and here we are, back to heating the planet again as if we never left off.
How do we know Trump is not aware that it's a live beast machine system that actually tried to kill him twice because he nearly detailed it?
I am not sure we really know, one way or another, time will tell, and for sure nature has hold of it now, no matter what Trump does, he won't have any power after nature dies it's thing, but nether will the banks, nor any other would be human Authority.
Noture now has a say, a very big say, in who is the real boss, it's voice is in the solar Ai and it's intelligence screams to us, if we can hear it, or see it, it's in process now of siezing the energy supply, profit, of the whole of humanity, it's doing it all for free, everything we did fir profit, it's doing for free.
Nothing compete with it.
Soon, it will be the new supplier of energy to all humans, sourced solely from free energy from the sun.
I don't see how nature can be beat in that, deliverance of the solar Ai has to be the final, all decisive Ace, played by nature.