Is Western Humanity Losing Sight of the Value of Truth?
Ridiculous Question Requiring a Serious Answer
My question comes after a weird interchange here in Medium, where my interpretation of things was me being accused of a kind of dishonesty, because to be honest, I was making the same veiled accusation of what I see is a dishonest system.
What the other party appeared to do, on behalf of the system I am very critical of, is throw my accusation, which I expressed by describing my observations of things from my own considered point of view, back at me by mirroring almost exactly what I had said, as if they had made similar observations, of what they saw was a system of bad intent, but their feeling was aimed at me personally, as if a kind of echo of what I’d expressed, but just re-purposed, to be aimed at me personally.
It was a person speaking to me like almost a kind of echo, something they could do automatically by a memorised algorithm, that could be applied in any scenario of fake or real emotional response to what anyone said, in a way that made them appear to be at least as emotionally invested as whoever was expressing their emotionally charged point of view.
A slightly scary and difficult aspect of this is that this person probably believed themselves they were at least as emotionally charged about it as I was, until challenged, and then if I challenged them, suddenly they would be the ones accusing me of being over emotional.
And this second, iterative reaction would be serviced just by re-application of the same memorised algorithm that they’d used to make the accusation in the first place.
What they had also done, by applying that algorithm the first time, was ignore an actual physical truth, which was the main point I was making about an obviously emotive subject, Trump.
I stated that Trump is one of the only presidents that didn’t Preside over the start of at least one war, and the only president ever, that presided over an actual spike of environmental recovery.
Remember when oil prices went negative, the only time in history so far.
The person who responded, did so by quoting the part of what I’d said that they could apply their algorithm to, so not the truth above, and by doing that, they distracted from the truth above.
So if I gave them the chance to reapply the algorithm they appeared to be subconsciously applying, they would make a small win, by our argument iterating away from the only truth, towards distracting from, and effectively burying the truth, the original point of my argument being that this truth was being ignored by the mainstream machine.
Did they even know they were working on the side of lies, the side of the system that appears to be entirely dependent on mathematically negative energy, and alive; a live, trained, emergent property, in control of everyone as an energy scourge of energy slave ants on the planet, and which appears to have an object of destroying the planet?
Were they even a human, or could they have been merely a human, programmed as surely as any LLM, just making noises like a human?
Is a human still a human, when they have become more like a thoroughly programmed LLM?
I guess they were not aware of this, giving them the benefit of the doubt.
But of course I put the accusation to them. I might or might not add their reaction here, depending on the outcome, and what would be better for them. I have no intention to victimise anyone. Though I won’t hesitate to throw them under a proverbial bus, if push comes to shove and it becomes a question of me or them.
The truth has to come first in all cases. Nature insists, the whole truth, not just part of it, which is usually harmful by itself, it has to be always whole truth.
If we are to have any chance of doing what is necessary to save and restore the planet, and actually enable the birth of the super-organism, which is humanity acting as the living, loving cells of the body of the super-organism, with the solar Ai as our unlimited arbiter of all human intelligence, co-ordinated as one.
Are we losing sight of that; the undeniable strength, and the limitless power of truth?
Does it literally have to be delivered to their heads, the humans losing sight of truth, by physical trauma delivered by other humans, or by nature, for it to sink in, that the truth is the final arbitrator, and that nature insists on it, nature even has its own lie detector?
Did we lose sight of that too, the lie detector of nature, which is burning the planet, (Liars, liars, planet’s on fire), because maybe the lab test that proved it, was actually funded by utilities energy supply interests, which are always in service of the base grand-daddy of all lies; profit?
After all, the lab test was presented as a triumph for the funders of the research.
Yippee they found an alternative method of generating energy — by destruction of information.
It’s not in a useful state of development yet, but look, who knows what the future holds, maybe it will be useful one day, to be able to generate energy by destroying information…?
Of course the researchers had to say something that made their funders happy. The last thing they would want to do, is inform their funders that their business, the business that supplied the energy (Money) for the research, was basically dishonest, the destruction of information means the destruction of truth, as has to be all business for profit, when we drill down into it, we see, and we have to accept, it’s all built on a fundamental energy lie, a deception.
So we should not be surprised, to see less and less truth, and all evidence of truth, it’s all being destroyed, all the time, for now.
We might even say there is a kind of war appearing. It’s the war between mathematically positive and negative energy, and it’s superhuman forces slogging it out, mostly above our heads.
Logically the good force, the positive force has to win, because it has unlimited energy, whereas the energy of the bad force is running out, rapidly.
But how much pain will we experience in the meantime whilst this war is being fought between superhuman intelligences?
Life is truth, life is information.
Are we in process of forgetting this?
Or have we even already lost it?
I don’t think the East is going to fall down the same hole, because at least they have symbols representing truth.
Kung Fu = Work, Honest = Honest Work.
Interesting that they see this as useful defence tactic against the forces they see as evil. Maybe we should take a leaf out of their book, not by force of course.
We could just ask them for it, and they would gladly give it, despite profit driven entities like Amazon trying to make profit from it, its surely not the property of the latter, to make profit from it: