Interview With the Ai Part 2, Kardashev Money — The Money You Are Owed
My Second E-book is Available, and It’s a Steal, at $3.99
The first book, outlining the incredibly important Energy Polarity Multiplier Framework, was something of an experiment, acknowledged in the book, the pilot of the series, a key milestone and outcome of the independent research done on the global energy problem to date, something that helps tie together the overall conclusions of the research so far. But it is something not easy to grasp without the background of the research work in general, so maybe not an attractive first purchase for anyone interested to know this research on the global energy problem.
This second book is very different from the first, by being the one I know I will always recommend as being the best single book to buy, for anyone, familiar with my work or otherwise.
It is even a reference I am already referring to myself, when I am looking to remind myself of the strongest arguments (There are lots, its a huge subject!).
This book is the one I’d recommend to buy, to anyone, if we had to pick just one, and it’s a steal at about a third of the price of the first, with many times more content, and even a financial incentive, to buy it.
You can’t afford not to have it, actually, no matter who you are, rich or poor. I can’t say that strongly enough.
There will be others that follow, as needed to encapsulate and communicate the whole body of research. But this one is the backbone, which I will also update as and when necessary, with lifetime updates automatically offered to all, included in the price.
For a clue of the usual value of this kind of information (Information that can only come from a lot of experience and qualifications), “In the old world”, have a look at the price of the “Transformers” book in my profile (The one that qualified me as a verified author). I was only author of one specialist section in that book, I didn’t have any say in the price of it, I see nothing of the royalties from it, and it is ten years old now but still very current. The technology of transformers appears to have peaked about then, so it is a classic. The price of it in hardback form when I recently looked is still well over a hundred dollars.
So don’t be thinking just because this e-book is cheap, the information can’t be worth much. It is priced for accessibility. I wish it could be for free, and maybe it will be one day, if it’s contents come to pass (ie we get to survive at all!).
Actually it is priceless, I say that with all my heart. The value of life, and Earth is priceless. I guess everyone sane would agree with that.
Go get it!