Interesting viewpoint, thanks for posting.
There are some terms in stories about environment, and about politics, now that I have to actively struggle to prevent myself quitting the story when I see or hear any of them.
"Left", or "Right", in context of politics, or "Renewable", when we are talking about energy.
There is no right, or left politics, or renewable energy.
All of these are profit driven constructions, it seems apparent to me.
The first two are a deliberate division, to keep people divided. If wr are inclined to argue for or against either side, then we are under the spell of those profiting from the divide.
It is pretty obvious now both flavors of government are actually the same old bad flavor.
As for renewable energy, there is only one energy.
It comes from the sun.
We forget that when we are running round in analytical circles chasing the renewal of energy.
It doesn't exist.
But it doesn't have to, because there is the sun, which is limitless, clean, and free.
With the flawed mindset that blinds us from seeing those simple truths, it is hardly surprising that many think we are already past the point of no return, and all we can do is conserve, conserve, conserve.
What would happen to the chicken in in an egg if it was somehow convinced it should just conserve, and not peck its way out of the egg?
The old term "Divide and conquer" needs an updated version;
"Divide, confuse, and profit", never mind if it costs the future.
There is no need to even conquer nowadays for profit. That was a lot of work. Now just a little strategic misinformation causing confusion and resentment. is all that is needed for profit.
It follows that any arguments made within the framworks of left, right, or renewable energy are invalid.