Interesting thoughts John, thanks for posting. I don't know if it is a problem that we see no mechanism for destruction of money, other than how it might always have been done before. Maybe your idea would work there, if it was found to be needed.
To me scarcity enforcement isn't what has always been important, rather, it is that issue of money has to be balanced with production (The Austrian economics principle).
Before things were being added as solar product (ie still zero sum), the base of capital was constant, so effectively, enforcement of scarcity delivered the same result as balancing issue of money with production. Whereas now things are added to the base of capital by solar, and they are scaling up, with still no issue of money to balance production, the effect of having not enough money in circulation to cover the value of things produced, is to devalue money, since it becomes less useful to shift what is produced to consumers.
In other words the value of money as a transport mechanism is the only thing of importance, when its capital value loses significance, in a world where all capital becomes less useful anyways, since capital is the thing being constantly built on by the addition of new creation.