Interesting the biggest skeptics seem to be the ones calling themselves "progressives". This reveals something about how susceptible folk are to propaganda and establishment groupthink, yet the same folk are the last to realise it.
We see a few bringing up the subject of climate disaster, yet none of them can recognise the value of real new research done on this, showing the full nature of the problem and the only solution.
They scream we have to do something, yet they recommend we work even harder doing the wrong thing - invest, more in net zero, "Renewables", and carbon management, all of which are easily shown to be bullshit industry and actually bullshit science (Graeber extended!), just by mathematically signing energy, positive from sun, negative from Earth, per the sequence of the historical flow of energy ( firstly to Earth from the sun, then to humanity from Earth) and preserving the signs in all calculations including those with implications on money. Then we get to see what is good money (positive of course) and bad money (negative of course), the real meaning of destruction and creation, and the reason we have inflation (negative energy, the dying, polluting product, is monetised whilst positive energy, the growing, non polluting product, is not)
We have actually yet to see positive money because nobody wants to see it!
Yet only this can fix the problem!